
What kind of shoe does your 7yr old want for SCHOOL this fall???

by Guest58682  |  earlier

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my son has severe flat feet and his dr. said a good arch support is best, not sold at walmart?!!!




  1. My little brother lives with me and he wants me to buy him Nike Shoxs. I will. Because he's a good little guy :)

  2. At 7 a child should be happy with whatever shoe you pick up in their size. A couple pairs of the normal athletic shoes sold at Walmart for $15 should be good enough.

  3. VAN's

  4. My 7-year-old wants nothing but Converses and Vans.

  5. Do 7 year olds even care what shoes they get???

  6. my little brother wants the kids version of converse btw converse rock!

  7. lace-up

  8. ones that lace

  9. My sister is just finished gr. 1 and i swear this kid is a huge fashionista. At the beggining of last year she asked for Pumas, Baby Phats and Phat Parms thinking she would get them all...yea right. She ended up with Pumas and convinced my mom to buy her these REALLY nice sparkely flats. The kid is 7 and has a better sence of fashion then i do   :(

  10. skater shoes have a good arch and but his is 7 who cares just get him wat ever that looks good it reallt doesnt matter

  11. when they turn 2 or 3 they want whatever shoes they want it's not true about they like what you get my nephews both picked out 20.00  thomas the train shoes they wouldn't go with the 5.00 pair they are 3 and 4

  12. my son wants those elastic lace less zip shoes. I think they're by sketchers. If your son has oprthopedic problems like flat feet his doctor need to give him a referral to a orthopedic specialist. He needs orthodics than can be inserted into any shoe. you are not going to find proper shoes for his condition at wal-mart.

  13. my six yr old LOVES her Heelys and is asking for a new pair for next year - they're awesome shoes and they last forever!she's had hers for over a year - worn them for everything, from school to quadding/camping, hiking, skating (with the wheels in the heels of course - LOL)

  14. My 9 yr old daughter wants a pair of cowboy boots REALLY bad. LOL

  15. um try bringing them to the store if they actually care =/

  16. Light up ones.

  17. My daughter Madison loves her crocs but the school doesn't like the kids wearing them. I love the crocs on her and she wears them every day. She says they are comfortable. Now I don't know what I am going to have her wear.

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