
What kind of shoes are worn with leg warmers?

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Besides pumps/high heels, what shoes look good with leg warmers?




  1. well if we are going back to 80's look high tops

  2. Flats or flip-flops

  3. uggs  

  4. hippie shoes, flats etc.

  5. I would say low-top Converse, or some funky colored Nikes.

  6. converse. kinda like this:

  7. flip flops, ballet flats, or boots (i like them with uggs). ooh. heels look good with them too.


  8. Flats, flip flops.

    Answer mine?:

  9. It depends on the look you want to go for. For a cutesy look, you can wear them with mary janes or flats.

    For a s**y look, wear them with high pumps.

  10. anything really. except flip flops. i would wear them with ugg boots or any kind of boots.

  11. Nothing looks good with leg warmers, because leg warmers look terrible.

    You're not on Fame, so just don't. Seriously.

  12. I would say any kind of flat shoe, that's not to big and bulky . I would suggest you wear flats if you want something cutesy , but my suggestion would be chucks , because they're flat tennis shoes .

    Good luck

  13. flats.

  14. Hi, well besides heels, converse look cool will them. It's kind of 80's too. You can wear them with high tops, low tops, or nike.  Also, I personally really like how they look with flats. I don't think they look good with flip flops though because they are supposed to keep your leg warm, why would you wear flip flops?


  15. Flats


    (not high tops)

    Flip flops... not so much

  16. flip flops :)

  17. Ballet flats

  18. Well, when they were popular before (80's) they were worn with athletic shoes, short boots, and ballerina flats.  I'm guessing something similar to that.  I can't imagine putting them with heels.  I think the slanted profile of the foot would make them slouch down & trip you up walking, unless they were very tight.

  19. Nothing, because legwarmers are ugly as sin and shouldn't be worn with any kind of shoe.

  20. flats flip flops heels boots with a mini or skinny jeans over top so cute

    not converse they are weird and too old school for me

    of like this she is wearing wedges

  21. keds, clasic reboks, nike air force ones, converse

  22. This may sound weird but wear them with Keds Champions or Puma Future Cats.  I do that all the time, but I'm a guy.  Good luck

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