
What kind of shoes do women in their late teens and twenties wear in Paris?

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I'm going to Paris in May, and I have no clue as to what kind of shoes I could wear (or get away with). I was going to get a pair of stylish black adidas high-tops and black skinny jeans, but I don't know if that's appropriate. I will need very comfortable walking shoes, as that is what I am going to be doing all day. Any suggestions of stylish leather boots or anything else?? HELP!




  1. I was in Paris in early May. It was cold! Don't wear tennis shoes-only tourists with bad taste wear them. A good pair of black walking shoes or boots will be fine. Something with a small heel and stylish. Also, a nice light coat and the must have-a cool scarf!

  2. I think you could get away with your black adidas high-tops. That kinda thing is popular here--also puma is really popular as well as converse!

    You could also bring a pair of ballerina flats.

    but most important, be comfortable!

  3. Depends what part of Paris you are in.  In some parts you will be arrested if you aren't wearing designer shoes such as LV, D&G or Chanel.  In other parts of Paris the people are so poor that they can't afford shoes - they blacken their feet with soot and lace their toes together.

    Hope this helps.

  4. I'm not exactly living in Paris, but I have been living in Rouen, France for about a month now. Rouen is a decent-sized metropolitan area about one hour northwest of Paris. Looking around, especially when I go downtown, there are a lot of women wearing black leather boots. Typically knee-high with tights, leggings or skinny jeans. Also, Converse shoes are extremely popular here.

    I'm not too aware of what women wear once it's warmer out. Right, it's fairly cold, which may be one factor in so many women wearing boots. In spring weather, you could probably still do Converse or Converse-style shoes, but I don't know what type of more seasonal shoes women would wear.

  5. My friend Fabien from France has a blog where all these girls his age send his pictures of their shoes/feet. It will give you an idea of what some of the girls might be wearing.

    I am going to France in March and so I bought a new part of shoes by BC they are like canvas and leather boots, but they are really slim and feminine looking not like big fat boots.

  6. You are right to think of your comfort first and your original choice is perfectly fine. Also remember that in May there are more foreigners than French people in Paris, so it's not as if you had to fit into the local style. With the millions of tourists I doubt anyone will have time to pay that much attention to your feet.

    If you want to feel stylish it is true that you should avoid anything really too sporty-looking but low tennis shoes in a dark or neutral color are a safe bet for the warmer days.

    Make sure they are good quality, with a good sole so you don't feel the cobble stones under your feet in some old districts or in the courtyard of the Louvre for instance. And wear them in first, don't go there with brand new shoes to end up with blisters.

    The weather can be unpredictable in the spring. It is usually our lovely season but it can rain and be cool some years or on the contrary feel like summer, in which case boots will look a little too wintery. Feeling cold or warm also depends on what climate you are used to at home. Wear clothes that are "in between" seasons. Jeans or long pants of a material neither too warm nor too light are pretty versatile. Dress in layers so you can add or remove things as needed.

  7. I was under the impression that French women NEVER wore athletic shoes except at the gym.

    I have heard that a French woman can tell just by your footwear where you are from.  You have on tennies, she KNOWS you are American.  

    They must have figured out that comfort rules (finally!).

    Now it's time for someone to teach that to the women of Spain.  Not a tennie to be seen on the streets of Madrid last summer.  I brought American dress shoes, but, looking at their feet, I was immediately aware that even those stood out as dramatically different.  I considered buying a pair, but figured I would destroy my feet breaking them in, then would never be able to wear them once home, so I just gave in and stood out like a sore thumb tourist.  I decided, the number of kilometers I was putting on my feet, it just wasn't worth sacrificing them.  They could tell the moment I opened my mouth, anyway, so, who cared?  (I suggest you go for comfort, too, especially if you'll be walking a lot).

  8. converse are fine. some parisians are a lot more laid back about fasion than we think. dont sweat you foot wear. dress comfortably! bring running shoes, casual shoes and maybe some dressy shoes (heels?) if you want to go to restaurants,etc.

  9. Honey, they only wear open toe high heels and paint their toes red.

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