
What kind of shoes should i get to prevent shin splints?

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i have shin splints right now but im starting to get rid of them but eveyr season i get them i am wearing asics gt-2110 and i dont know why im still getting them




  1. You can ice your shins to get temporary relief.  A lot of times, shin splint come from running too flat footed.  When running, the heel should contact the running surface first-then the rest of the foot should roll into contact with the surface.  It takes practice, but it works!  Good luck.

  2. i get them every track season as well. It is just from overusing the muscles too soon. I wear asics along with an additional arch support and i noticed the pain to be gone within a week. Ice before and after you run too !

    Good Luck !

  3. It might be because the Asics GT-2110 are not the right type of shoes for you. There are different types of feet and different ways you can land when running, so each runner needs a different shoe.

    If you know that the 2110 is the right type of shoe for you, I would suggest you upgrade it to the 2130. It has more support and should do better for you.

    It could also be that your 2110 has to many miles on them and are breaking down. The general rule for a running shoe is 500 miles, but that also depends on factors such as your body weight, and what type of shoe it is.

    For the time being, trying icing your shins and stretch your cavles. Your cavles will help ease the pain in your shins.

    Good luck!

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