
What kind of shoes should i wear for canoeing/kayaking?

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What kind of shoe is best for canoeing and kayaking? Are vans slip ons or flip flops okay?




  1. The old reliable, inexpensive choice has been a laceup 'tennis shoe'  Today, firm soled, snug fitting neoprene, slippers are a good choice. Visit a shop and try some on. The shoes have to fit or they will be ripped off in case of a spill/upset. The soles are for walking about.

  2. I use aquasox type shoes. I have used OP's that did not hold up that well, but I got a generic pair of aquasox type shoes at Target that have been better.

  3. keens they are $100 though but they are like ment for that and they feel awsome

  4. I've bought neoprene booties for winter months and during the summer I just wear water sandals (like keens or teva, etc), and I store a pair of socks and trail running shoes in my hatch for exploring on shore.

    Happy Paddling:)

  5. although i've never gone canoeing or kayaking from what i understand Teva sandals were created by a guy who did those things. they are great water shoes- i took a trip to costa rica a few years ago and i had to cross a huge river by foot and my Teva's did me well.

  6. Water shoes work great.

  7. I like my NRS kickers, they've held up really well, and have a marginally thick sole, while still allowing me to feel the foot pegs in my kayak.

    I like a bootie type shoe for kayaking better than a strappy sandal: there is always the slight chance that in an unplanned wet exit, a strappy sandle can get snagged on the rudder controls inside the cockpit, and create an entrapment situation in a low oxygen environment.

    For recreational canoeing, I like my Keen Newports... unless I have a particularly pebbly sand to trudge thru.  Sand gets in there and gets trapped under your feet.  Great for exfoliating, but annoying on a hike.  

    If you're going to be in cold water, I have friends that swear by their Chota Mukluks for both canoeing and kayaking.

  8. I would recommend water shoes

  9. I truly believe that for any sort of boating a closed-toe shoe is best.  It offers just enough extra protection that it can prevent many injuries.  As an active white-water rafter & kayaker I have seen several foot injuries most often associated with wearing open-toed sandals or flip-flops.  Injuries occur at put-in and take-out points most frequently;  things like the foot going down into mud and encountering that random piece of broken glass, etc.  On white-water, people sometimes end up out-of-the-boat for various reasons, and feet can get driven into rocks, branches and other obstructions often at unpredictably angles.

    I used to wear Tevas while rafting:  not anymore.  I saw enough injuries to go and shell out the bucks for some specialized white-water shoes.  But old tennies, even slip-on boat shoes (or your vans) would work much better than flip-flops.

    Don't think about being on the boat and paddling.  Think more what you want on your feet while you are hauling the canoe down to the put-in, or pulling the boat up the beach for a lunch break, and then walking around on the shore, hopping over boulders, and/or etcetera.  That's where you want more protection.

  10. crocs. they come in many colors and range fom 15 to 45 dollars they are comfortable and have holes in them to let water in and out.(unlike sneakers where your feet are wet and soggy the rest of the day.) they float so if u drop them in the water they wont sink to the bottom and they are very light!

    here is a picture of some they also come in defferet styles. the first one is the website and the next 2 are just pictures.

    hope this helps!!!

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