
What kind of shop could you spend all day in?

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I just adore garden centres.




  1. anything to do with animals seriously there all so cute and easy tio talk to especially the puppies soooooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!

  2. A fishing tackle shop!

  3. well garden shops are great if ya got plenty of money & water to water the plants...............

  4. I think fashion

  5. Why stop with one?  I'd spend the day at a MALL!!!! You have everything you need there. lol

  6. Garden shop with live plants.  Plants are the only thing that removes the bad air and gives us oxygen.

    "Common indoor plants may provide a valuable weapon in the fight against rising levels of indoor air pollution. Those plants in your office or home are not only decorative, but NASA scientists are finding them to be surprisingly useful in absorbing potentially harmful gases and cleaning the air inside modern buildings."

    "NASA research has consistently shown that living, green and flowering plants can remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. You can use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air to make it a more pleasant place to live and work - where people feel better, perform better, any enjoy life more."


  7. the bakers shop,all those cream cakes.....heaven!!!

  8. Costco

  9. I could spend all day in a New Age shop, or a book shop.

  10. COP SHOP. When i get arrested.for something i did not do. Don't like it.

  11. I could spend all day in a shoe shop. The shoes just turns me on and i try on as much as possible, even though i will probably just come out with one.

  12. any supermarket which has everything in it....


  13. charity shops looking for bargains

  14. i love john lewis. i quite regularly spend the day there!! lol

  15. Somewhere most of people are spending their time in Tea shop.i can spend at the shop has Internet

  16. Same for me, there is no better place right now to be.

  17. I could spend all  day in a shop tha sells things like scented candles and tarot cards and all that weird and wonderful stuff, plus the herbs and that would make me feel better even after I left there

  18. British or Harley m/bike shop,or a book shop.

  19. a shop that sells natural rock crystals

  20. In, Mountain Equipment Co-Op.  They have all sorts of solar panels and things with cranks instead of batteries, and such cool environmentally friendly products

  21. Oh! it has to be kitchen gadget shops, you know, all those fancy tools, you have lived without all your life, but now you must have one, I've got drawers full of them, totally useless most of them, Mrs GB won't let me buy anymore!

  22. Hmmm...I tend to go for Internet Shopping..there's no crowds

    no queues no hassle and it's comfortable : )

  23. s*x Shop

  24. Knocking

    Sorry i couldn't resist that, sorry


  25. hawkins bizaare

  26. easy answer a sweet shop

    regards x kitti x

  27. I can spend hours watching tropical fish in a pet shop.

  28. One that was locked on the Saturday evening after all the staff had gone home but you were still inside - AND - they don't open until the Monday morning.

  29. drum shop

  30. The only shops that I could potentially spend all day in are the traditional markets found mostly in poorer countries.  Particularly if they have traditions in fine textiles, the arts, or unique exotic spices and produce.  We recently visited Peru, and took a day trip which spent a good deal of time at some of the traditional Andean markets at Chinchero and Pisac.  These held my interest long after we heard the bus driver who was waiting for us honking his horn for us to come back.

    "Peruanos" in particular have spectacular methods of weaving textiles.  In Chinchero, they put on a demonstration for us where they showed step by step how they create their beautiful works.  They took some raw alpaca wool and created thread using a tool that they made themselves out of wood.  Then they showed us their methods for creating natural dyes.  The formulated around 8 different colors all using natural methods.  Several came from flowers, which they would put in hot water to create the dye.  Then perhaps by adding some lemon or lime juice they would alter the color.  One which was particularly fascinating they got by removing a parasite from a local cactus and crushing it which then revealed a strikingly crimson red.  We certainly gained better appreciation for their works (and made a few purchases!) after seeing this demonstration at Chinchero in Peru.

    We've had similarly interesting experiences while visiting the local markets in other countries such as Bolivia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and Granada.

  31. Garden centres rock, but i could quite happily spend a week in Harvey Nicks the shoe dept

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