
What kind of shots do you give your horse and how often?

by Guest66534  |  earlier

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im doing resurch be4 i consider getting a horse and i an doing the responsible thing and not rushing into getting a horse :P




  1. Annually, I give Rhino, flu, tetanus, EEE, WEE, West Nile and Potomac Fever.  I give those myself.   I have my vet out once a year to give a rabies vaccine and draw blood for coggins tests.  Many states, like mine, only allow rabies vaccines to be given by a vet.

  2. The one thing I won't do with horses is give my own shots...LOL I'm the biggest wimp when it comes to needles. just can't do it. Luckly my daughter who is a small animal vet can handle it for me. My anual vacinations include West Nile, Strangles, Tetanus, Rhino, Flu, EEE, WEE, and Rabies.

  3. You will have to talk to the vets in your area.  Each area has a tendency towards different diseases and since there is some risk (not much but a little) with any vaccine it is not recommended that you give your horse vaccines for diseases which there is little or no chance of exposure in your area.

    Here we give a standard 5 way and west nile.  The 5 way includes encphalitis, rhino, a couple of types of flu and I forgot the other.

    I give all my own shots as it only costs about $20 per horse that way.

  4. ask a vet, they'll know best.

    most people dont give shots, they leave it to a trainer or a vet, but it's not hard to learn how to give them, it's just kindda scary knowing that if you hit the wrong spot you could be injuring the horse.

  5. My horse gets a five-way ($19) and coggins test($21) every spring. She also gets wormed($6-$13) every 6 weeks.

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