
What kind of skills are involved in Grade 4 ballet?

by Guest59992  |  earlier

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I have a small amount of ballet experience. I have never done a ballet exam before but am soon to start a ballet class where everyone will be working towards their grade 4 exam. Is this grade difficult and what skills could i brush up on to give me a head start?

(please answer anyone who is doing/has completed grade 4 ballet)




  1. Well, my daughter is 9 and studying Grade 3 RAD ballet so if you are studying RAD syllabus as opposed to ISTD, then the following will help you:

    A book called "Step by step ballet class"  (here's a link to it on Amazon - ) which gives illustrations of the steps and skills in each Grade from pre-primary to Grade 5.

    And on the RAD website there is a DVD (meant for teachers but helpful for students) which has students demonstrating each step (here's a link to that one -

    Both those should really help you to know which steps you should be practicing for Grade 4.  Other than that, keep up the stretching, and practice the splits if you can't already do them (but DON'T push it further than it will naturally go and make sure you've warmed up your muscles by stretching first).

    Good luck!

  2. I'm taking my grade 4 ballet exams in October and i have been studying grade 4 since march.

    the exercises for the grade are quite easy just some alterations from grade 3, so you have attitudes,rond de jambes, full plie in third position,and arabesque they aret the exercises that are in both 3 & 4 but with some extra difficulty in the leg placing.

    also in grade 4 there are preparations for piruettes,some new jumps and a few new exercises that prepare you for grade 5.

    you have to know the basics to start grade 4 and it is good to have done grade 3 in advance to know.

    you have to go and see you because us all on answers will not know your exact variety of skills, get the teacher to give you her opinion and try you out. all the best/

  3. Well, saying that your a beginner, you probably should work very hard. I have been taking ballet for seven years, and am now into pointe ballet, and I'm only thirteen. You should practice your bar work a lot. Releve's, Developpe's, Pirouette's, Arabesque's, and especially Battemants. You will also need to work on your across the floor, which your teacher will help you with. Your ballet exams won't be hard as long as you practice and work very hard.   Your preparatoryy grade is a grade that will help you in the other grades you will have to take. I suggest you work on your rises, arms, and gestures.

    Good luck with your exams!

  4. which sylabus is it your studying. if its idta il watch the dvd tonight and get back to you cause it was ages ago that i did mine. but i dont think it was hard.

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