
What kind of smartphone should i get?

by  |  earlier

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i want one that is all around good

for entertainment, schedules, internet, txting, music, videos and such




  1. I've had a Samsung Blackjack for a year, and I really like it.

    It's slim, has a clear screen, does everything, and the battery lasts a long time. It even comes with a spare battery.

    Best of all, it's Windows.

  2. Both the Palm and the Blackberry have excellent features and both can meet your needs. Blackberry features push technology which means that your email finds you. Palm Based units (Palm Treo 755p for example) feature the good old Palm desktop software that many people enjoy. The Palm Treo 750wx is windows based and has the look and feel and somewhat the same personality as your desktop computer.  Both devices handle the internet well, but Blackberry has Java functionality which is used by some websites to power their navigation buttons while the Treo's do not support Java script. All in all, if you are going to get a new phone, don't rely on us hacks on the internet, the best thing to do is to go to your cell phone company store and touch the devices.  Remember, not everything that the store people tell you will be factual, most of them are trained in sales but not in technical aspects of the devices.   Get up close and personal with the devices and see which one you like better.  Hope this helps.

  3. I have the Samsung SCH-i760. It's a Great phone it has: A hidin keyboard that you slide open, Touchscreen, Wi-Fi and Much More. If your looking for a phone that can do just about anything this is it.  Check it out at!!!

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