
What kind of snake should i get?

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im looking for a snake that grows about 3-5 adult lenght the price is about up to 300 each non poison snake have lots of time to take care of it oh and it is not a beginer i have had 4 snakes before.




  1. a corn snake is a great starter but if u don't like feeding rodents try a rough green snake or a garter there both insectivore's but the garter will eat a pinky and minnows

  2. An inland taipan.  Make sure you annoy it first.

  3. Well what are you looking for? A big one? a small one? What is your availability for the animal? What can you afford to mainatin?  

  4. King cobra... Make sure you handle it often. And that stuff the spit through their tounge is candy so drink/eat it.

  5. Since you have experience, Amazon Tree Boa

  6. Well I don't want to be rude but what's the point in asking this? If you have experience and knowledge of snakes then why are you asking us? Do you not go on reptile websites and read books? Most people into keeping such animals do these things. Anyone can have gone out and bought 4 snakes in the past it doesn't mean you are knowledgeable keeper. A knowledgeable keeper would know about the species they have kept, and other species available through their ow personal research.

    I also do not know what sort of thing you go for- I mean there are hundreds of species that fit the vague criteria you have put. What about the entire family of ratsnakes for a start? And non-poisonous? Why would we recommend a poisonous snake? They are not commonly available pets, nor recommendable pets, only experienced keepers who have a special interest in them go down that route, and have to get a special license to do so.

    Common snakes include corn snakes, milks and kings, garters, ratsnakes, gophers, bulls, hognose snakes, basically colubrids. Most snakes have an albino variety, and some have leucistic varieties, for example leucistic texas rats are common. Corns come in hundreds of colour and pattern morphs. There are various species and morphs of kings and milks too such as californian king snakes (common), mexican black kingsnakes, you get pueblan, honduran, nelson's milk snakes to name a few....Erm, then you have ball pythons which stay quite small, again these come in a large number of colours and patterns but these are very expensive.

    More popular pet species include Boa Contrictors, Taiwan Beuties, Indigo Snakes, Rosy Boas, rainbow boas, rough and smooth green snakes, god there's thousands...They are all being bred for different colours and stuff. You need to research big time.

    I would commend going to Its the best site I know for finding people with expert advice on whatever you need to know. There are pictures posted of all the snakes I have mentioned above.

  7. If you want something easy to take care of and relatively cheap, I'd go with a Ball Python. They are pretty much the best snakes for beginners. The chance of them biting you is like slim to none. I have had mine for the past 2 years it's great. PetCo runs sales on them for like 60 bucks. Good luck!

  8. a black mamba may keep your attention

  9. a corn snake

    they are low maintenance cheap and easy  i have a three year old corn snake hes very friendly

    if you do get a corn snake youll want to try to find a an older snake like a year old they eat better and make sure that they cant get out if you get a glass tank with a screen top set a large rock on top and buy aspen bedding any thing else could hurt him and feed him  once a week

    hope this helps and good luck

  10. Corn snake

  11. You didnt really give any info on what you are lookin for but if you are a first time snake owner i would recommend a ball python!

    They are great tempered snakes and males get about 4-5 ft. long, and females get 5-6 ft. long!

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