
What kind of soap to use while washing v****a?

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Are there any good brands of soap out there to use while washing v****a? I usually use bar soap like Irish Springs or Lux but everytime I wash "down there", it gets dry and feel uncomfortable. What to use?!




  1. i think if you feel dry, you should just shift to feminine washes, they are milder, moisturizing and are actually more appropriate when washing down there. there are a number of products out there, you should just be careful in choosing what product would be right for you. and i think you are not exactly referring to the v****a, are you? probably just the external part which is the v***a. goodLuck! :)

  2. just use ivory!

  3. You actually shouldn't use soap IN your v****a. Outside of it is, ok, but any soap inside will cause you to have that dry and uncomfortable feeling, because it is stripping away your natural moisture (and if it goes as far as to rid your v****a of your good bacteria, it can actually increase you likelihood of yeast infections.)

    Use a milder soap for the outside "lips" area, and avoid getting the soap burns anyway! A plain water rinse is all you need for the inside.

  4. prolly just use regular body soap or just the shampoo that u use on your head

  5. Use a basic gentle soap.  Nothing antibacterial or deodorized.  The antibacterial can cause you to get a yeast infection, as told to me by my doctor.  Also stay away from deodorized soaps as they are drying and cause irritation.  Use something like Tom's of Maine Natural Moisturizing Body Bar Soap, Unscented.  NEVER use a douche, you will change the pH levels causing other issues.

  6. None. Warm water and a washcloth will do the trick. If you want you can buy vagisil clensing whipes.

  7. My mom always has summer's eve in there, or at least a generic version of it.

  8. Well as a woman... Some of us are more sensitive than others. I am to soap, fabrics, and latex...Lol

    So to keep it simple and clean just use any brand of baby wash, its VERY mild, and has almost no allergic reaction from 98% of people. Or use summers eve... But I just use baby wash for that area...  

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