
What kind of social security is payments is received on second or third Wednesday of month?

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What kind of social security is payments is received on second or third Wednesday of month?




  1. Go to www It will tell you.

  2. uhm it could be a social security check for the death of a spouse or parent. that's how mine is anyways. I get mine the first wednesday after the day my mom's birthday was on (22nd). If its not that then i'm not really sure of any others.

  3. Depends on the recipients birthday alone (unless you started to draw SS before 1997)... payment dates have nothing to do with the type of benefit someone receives.

    See the  SS chart below.. the box to the left shows when payments are sent out for each group.

    They started this in 1997 so that payments are distributed throughout each month -- and it's good as the banks aren't full of folks on the first of the month (like it used to be).

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