
What kind of speed detection is used by the washington state patrol motorcycle officers?

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i got a ticket and i have to go to courte tomorrow and i need to know which defense to use!!




  1. Kinda late, aren't you?

    They can just look at you and see you're doin' 90.

    Maybe they used radar. If so, it'd say so on the ticket.

    Why don't you just tell the judge that you didn't know what the speed limit was? I got off once by telling just that lie.

    I got ticketed on 4th street and told the judge I'm not from around there, and since I turned onto 4th from Ocean there were no speed limit signs and I didn't know the limit.

    He looked at a map or something he has and said, yeah, there is a sign a block before where I turned and not another till after where I got the ticket.


    Case dismissed!




  2. They use radar guns just like the police cars do.........

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