
What kind of spell kits would you buy online? Complete spell kits, Wicca and Pagan

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I am looking to open an online occult store that sells Spell Kits that would include the printed spell and all of the supplies needed (except the cauldron). I've found a few good ones that I think would sell, but I just need some input to determine my stock.





  1. You probably shouldnt give refunds.

  2. I wouldn't buy any spell kit online.  If I needed a spell I'd put together my own.


    I hope you find people who would be willing to buy them.

  3. Not a single thing. No offense but I think spell kits are riduculous and everything listed is really, really....fluffy.

  4. Don't waste your money, seriously.  

  5. Personally, I wouldn't purchase spell kits. I would do a spell on my own with items I have already. It's a lot less expensive.

  6. Spell kits are nothing but a marketing ploy and a complete waste of money.  It is yet another step down the road of suggesting that magic is quick, fun, and easy to do without a lot of knowledge, time or energy.  

    The power is in yourself, not the items.  Take the time to learn through study and experience what items work best for you and your goals.

  7. I'd say almost anyone would like a magic spell that

    gets them love, s*x, money or cures medical problems.

    If you're sure you can do any of those things, then you

    have a potentially profitable product.

    Remember, "nobody ever went broke underestimating

    the intelligence of the American people" (H L Mencken).


  8. Prepackaged "kits" are useless.  The best spells are the ones you create yourself.  Don't waste your money.  Learn the how's and why's of magic and create your own.

  9. I refuse to buy from places that sell spell kits. It proves the storekeep knows nothing.

  10. Maybe you could do simple spells like the sage and shell kit.

    Probably better though would be to sell things that could be used in spells instead of kits.

    Check out some of the other online stores and see what they have and maybe that will help you to choose your stock.

    One such source is:

    The Celtic Collection

    You can find a lot if you put in a search term for wicca store. Probably get a lot of results if you searched under pagan store.

    You can also try looking at links from

  11. I would'nt purchase pre-packaged spell kits, only because I would nt know the person who put them together. Í would think that such spells however would be popular to others. Weight loss, Good Luck spells, Getting that new Job, Love spells (even though we know you shouldn't perform love spells).

    However, I would be interested in buying such supplies online as herbs, oils, crystals, pendulums, pentagrams and pentacles, ritual jewellry. Candles, altar clothes..incense burners..that sort of thing.  I hope this info helps, and I hope your online store is a huge success.  

  12. Don't you think it is unethical to sell people a product that can't possibly work?


    So you will be giving refunds if your products don't do what you claim, or will you be blaming the customer for their ineffectiveness by saying that they didn't try hard enough?

    No other product requires belief to work.

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