
What kind of spider is this?!?!? BEST ANSWER WILL BE CHOSEN!!!!!?

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okay like this is a verry small spider, it was just climbin on my wall and i was wondering what kind of spider it is..

its Brown, like dark and light brown on its legs, its NOT hairy, i was thinking it was a brown recluse? but i wasent for sure.. i did take a picture of it! but i culdent tell how to put it on here.. best answer will b chosen if they explain if there poisonus.. what kind.. and well yehh.. lol

please tell me!




  1. Here is a brown recluse, judge for yourself.  Otherwise it is a small brown spider.  Tiny spiders are usually unable to pierce our skin so are not dangerous.

    here is the dangerous spiders in the US

  2. pretty much all spiders (except two species) are venomous because they have venom.  brown recluses are considered HIGHLY venomous because that venom is considered to be medically significant.

    how long were the legs? what shape was the abdomen? (oval, sphere, with angled edges?)

    you have a choice of:

    wolf spider (some species aren't that hairy!)

    house spider

    wood spider (i'd bet on this one)

    or other species.

    without knowing more details or where you live, it is hard to tell what that spider probably is.  i wouldn't bet that it's a brown recluse, because there are just too many other things it could be, and that would just be paranoia speaking.

    next time you see it, catch it in a cup and throw it outside.  good spiders (and most spiders are good spiders) kill TONS of terrible bugs for you.  ONE SINGLE SPIDER kept around for a year will kill roughly 100 bugs.

  3. yep it sounds like a Brown Recluse. An yes its very venomous. So catch it an put it out side.

  4. Compare your picture to the many, many pictures of spiders on this website.

  5. The brown recluse IS venemous. The best way to tell if it is a brown recluse is to look for a violin like shape on its back. If there is no violin, then it is almost definitely not venemous.

  6. if it was really small then i doube it was a brown recluse

    maybe a wood spider or one of them d**n jumpin spiders

    prolly not that poisonus but most spiders are just a lil  

  7. Brown recluses are big, so I know that wasn't it. Without a picture it would be very hard to tell you what kind of spider it is. Anyone who knows would have to be psychic without seeing a picture.

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