
What kind of spider is this? (pictures)

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i was diagnosed with the superbug MRSA...the doctor said he was pretty sure thats what it was, and theres a small possibility i might be a brown recluse bite......the night i got "bit" or whatever i was at my boyfriends house...who lives up in the mountains. he just sent me these pictures of a spider he found in his room. does this look like a brown recluse? or just a mountain spider?




  1. Learn to ID spiders yourself, here -

  2. i think its a house spider.

    u can see in here-

    hope this helps.Tegenaria domestica is the name of the spider i think because the pic u gave is not clear

  3. lol ok 1. stumble ro wutever ur name is who wud leave ur bite there for months? and uhm that looks like a brown recluse because of its long clearish legs and brown thorax and head. but the picture is bad quality.

    tell me if it has a violin or guitar shape near its head. if it does, then yes it a brown recluse and its extreamly poisonous. but whatever it  is,

    quote from my sister, "eww i hate spiders! kill it!" i wud kill it cus spiders suck

  4. do you have a bite site that is open and draining and just wont heal?  Feels like an acid burn or cigarette burn...for months?  Leaves a crater where the flesh got eaten away?  Then it's a recluse bite.  Cant tell scale real well but that spider looks a bit big to be a recluse.  A good way to tell is to try to swat it from in front where it can see you.  If it jumps out of the way, it's a recluse.  Since the recluse has no known predators and no sprays work on it the size 10 and a hard rolled up newspaper are best fixes.  Spider traps work some, but then you're stuck with a live, irate spider to dispose of.  No matter what...kill it and all its friends.  They dont eat enough bugs to make a diference and they can kill anaphylactics.  

          Are you allergic to bees?  then any spider bite might do it for you.  Get this checked at an allergist.

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