
What kind of sport bike should i get?

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im 26yrs old 6'0" 255lbs. ive never rode a motorcycle before. i am going to take one of those just not sure what size and make i should get......any advice?




  1. GSXR600, R6, CBR600RR, ZX-6

    any of those 4 used will do ya just fine.

    Slap anybody who recommends the ninja250R!

    C'mon people the man already made up his mind about wanting a sport bike. Why even mention a cruiser? He didn't ask about no darn cruiser!

  2. You need to lose some weight beore you go knee dragging. You weigh about 50% of what most port bikes weigh. A Honda 1 Litre is a great bike though. The newest CBRs are fantastic. You should be able to pick up a 2008 model cheaply soon as the 2009 modelas are coming out. Good luck!

  3. i would go with anything around a 750. got some git up and go for your size without puttin you on the ground.

  4. Take the course first and ask the instructors' opinions.  Decide whether you want a sport, standard, or cruiser style bike.  Visit dealerships and sit on different makes and models.  Find the smallest cc bike you're comfortable sitting on, and get a used one.   You don't lose much when you buy and sell used 250-500cc bikes these days.

    Start small.  A 650 sport bike can get any size rider into trouble fast.  Beginners make mistakes, so make them on a forgiving bike.   Save fast for your next bike.  While you're shopping don't forget a helmet, jacket, gloves, pants, and boots.

  5. 600-750cc IF you are confident you arent going to kill yourself with it. Definetely take an msf course.. I normally recommend 500cc to beginners, but your a big guy and you might want something this big. Seriously though, if you arent careful, a slip on the throttle could get you killed or hurt real bad.

  6. A 600 to 750 Cruiser will work fine. No sport bikes yet.

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