
What kind of stereotyping have you seen /experienced /know of?

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  1. Your goths, your artsy kids, you emos, your jocks, your uptight preps, your scene kids, your weirdos, the loners, the stoners... etc.

  2. Well, in the mid 90s, when they first started installing internet computers in the high school library, people stereotyped me as a nerd when I would surf the web. I bet those same losers now go to the public library to surf the net for p**n on a regular basis.

  3. havnt really experienced anything but i have seen loads...


    g*y marriages...

    only two general ones i can think of at the moment but its funny how people do not know much about somethng yet they seem to have a very stereotype opinion about it!!

    guess people need to be more open minded

  4. I was interviewing for a job with a communications company.  The job is a high-paying sales job that I am fortunate enough to be qualified for.  I am only 22 though.  So the guy who's interviewing me has the balls to say, "I know you're really qualified but frankly I'm a little scared of hiring you because of your age."  (Right now I'm thinking, sweet, well, if he doesnt give me the job at least I can sue his A$$) he continues, "You know, I dont want someone here who's always partying.  I want to know that you'll be here for awhile and not meet some guy in Iraq, get married and move away."

    Needless to say I gave him some tactful "chewing out" and he actually hired me.  Now I work for  Actually its a good job, I just had to show him who really is boss!

  5. I throw pennies at hookers.

  6. well i think being a teenager gets a whooole lot of stereotyping...we aren't allowed to be left alone with the opposite s*x, we are constantly getting accused of stealing, or lying, and we are never getting taken seriously.

  7. i know lots like emo, chav, goth, mosher, prep, geek, nerd, wannabe, goody goody

    yeh so yeh

  8. everykind everyday but its natural in american culture i dont think people should take it personally it happens when u have dense amounts of mixed people. i hate the whole geek vs. jock stereotyping thats some bullshit. they dont have **** like that here in berkeley ca.

  9. Many kinds, I am 50% Ute Indian I was adopted by a white couple when I was a child of 3 years of age. Once when my father had took the family on vacation we had gone into a resteraunt to have breakfast and the waitresses looked with disgust upon my family. I am 45 years old now and have seen great progress in this society. I have also experienced a modicum of prejudice from ignorant  people who think because they are of a higher economic standing they believe they are better, which I consider quite appalling to say the least. But alas it takes all kinds of people to make this world.

  10. People call me N.  (My name is Nick thou).

  11. People always expect 'Hispanics' or people of Mexican decent to be dark complected.  People have, in the past, said things in Spanish in front of me thinking that I wouldn't understand, and I totally speak up, and make sure they know.... people shouldn't assume

  12. I have experienced stereo typing and the huge degree discrimination that comes with it.  the stereo type is, “once a criminal always a criminal.”  Several years ago I had been convicted of a class B felony (armed robbery).  Since I had paid my debt the court system imposed upon me for my poor choices, I had earned a Bachelor of Science degree, owned my own business, paid my taxes, voted, married a wonderful woman, and had two awesome sons.  However, many still have a negative perception of me due to that past.  They erroneously assume that my past proves I am a bad person deserving of legal discrimination.  Many of us (those with criminal backgrounds) are treated with the same prejudice/discrimination that women and blacks had experienced not to long ago.

  13. As a senior in High School, and a Freshman in College (yes, I'm dual enrolled) I have seen just about everything you can think of in the stereotyping category.

    First off, you've got your general high school cliques:




    -Geeks (different from nerds)

    -Skater Punks


    -Mentally challenge (more commonly known in this setting as 'retards')




    (I apologize for any offense this may cause, but it's reality folks)

    There are other categories, but these are the major ones.

    Then in the college level, you don't necessarily see these cliques quite so much. More often, you see the drop-outs who are finishing their GED, the drugies, the athletes, and so on and so forth. There's much less stereotyping here, but there are definitely assumptions made based on your appearance regardless.

    This is going to happen anywhere though. In every day society, race, s*x, and appearance all play roles in how we are treated in society. Also, any disabilities or impairments we may have become a large part of who we are, simply because people treat 'different' people, well, differently.

    I have experienced this myself, as I'm albino, and have low-vision. Both aspects of that have caused some people to assume that I'm stupid, assume that I'm just flat blind, or assume that I can't function like a normal individual. It's one of the more disgusting factors of society that we'll never get over.

    A stereotype can occur anywhere, anytime, so long as there is something different to point out about another person. This influences how we behave around those people, how we treat those people, and what are preconceptions are about their capabilities.

  14. I see a lot of stereotyping Mormons.  People seem to think that if someone is Mormon, it means they are 1) brainwashed, 2) stupid,3) fanatical, and 4) unable to contribute anything good to society.  Just an observation I've noticed over my lifetime.

  15. Being a woman, people think I'm less competent, and are always surprised to find I am smart - often smarter than them!

    Being white, I have experienced black people assuming I am prejudiced. That's a stereotype I resent.

    I know of so many types, there isn't room here to list them all!! But the stranges was when my boss revealed that he thought I would be a patient person, because I was a horse trainer! I'm still baffled by that one... EVEN though it's true!!!

  16. Just the ridiculous cliques in school. It's horrible. People end up not liking one another before they even know the person just because the way the person dresses or who they talk to. I get it a lot. I am the nice funny smart girl at school. You know the one every thinks of as middle of the road popular wise. I dont judge people like the rest of my classmates do. I talk to anyone and usually end up liking them. Clothes and grades and groups and sports can be deceptive. I have learned not to be so closeminded and I have a lot more friends than most of my closest friends do because I dont care. It drives me crazy that people think because someone dresses different then them that they dont have a single thing in common to talk about.

    I dont label myself or let others label me either. (jock, priss, geek, popular, emo, goth,etc) It gets so out of hand. My gym teacher (of an all girls aerobic, toning type class) jokes that she can read our names on the attendance sheet and automatically see in her mind who we each talk to and who we each dont talk to. Who we like and dont like. and can even place our groups or cliques exactly where we each sit in the workout room.

    Last year me and my boyfriend didnt talk to one another at all. We stereotyped eachother and ourselves. He thought I was a conceited smart girl. And I thought he was a cocky jock/popular kid that could never be serious about anything. I dont know what made us think these things of one another but both of us were completly wrong.We had a class together this year and were forced to work together on a major project. You could tell at first that neither of us liked this pairing and we didnt like one another at first because we assumed we already knew eachother. We had to spend a lot of time together to finish it and now we are best friends and going out. We have merged our two "groups" and realize how ridiculous we all were.

    The truth is he plays football and does track so he is a jock and he is popular becuase people just like to be around him and he does joke around a lot. But I found out since last year that he also plays guitar, does pretty good in school, has so many goals, and writes poetry and music. He learned that even though Im smart I am not at all conceited and I am really funny and easy going. I love watching football and I love almost all of the same music he does. It works perfectly and we never would have known eachother and opened out minds from the stereotypes society assigned us to discover these things unless we had been forced to work together. I learned a lot.

  17. Just yesterday, while going around a corner, a big a$$ Jewish nose popped out of nowhere and closelined me. I suffered a concusion from the serious blow i recieved from his nose. Blow *kleenex* HA m**o

  18. social stratification base on appearance. ^_^

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