
What kind of stuff did you believe about s*x until you actually understood what it was?

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when my friends told me that a white liquid comes out of the p***s, i thought they were kidding, i also thought that mom and dad just sleep side by side and hold hands to make babies




  1. I thought that black babies came from people having butt s*x

  2. i thought it came out of your bellybutton :-XX

  3. When I was really little I thought moms just sporadically got pregnant.. Like once you get married your body just randomly starts producing babies. When I got a little older I thought you got pregnant by kissing.. but I think my father may have told me that one to keep me from kissing any boys.. :o)

  4. i thought u had s*x by kissing and holding hands..

    wow the other awnsers make me laugh..

  5. when i was younger i did think you could put a mouth on a genital part. or things could go up the butt

    i heard the word s*x for the first time in third grade but thought nothing of it

  6. when i was little i would always tell my mom i wanted a little brother or sister. but my mom would say she was too old. i told her she wasnt but i was thinking about my age in relation to how old a sibling would be, and never took into account that my mom couldnt have kids anymore. basically i thought you could get pregnant at any age

  7. lol. i loooved reading all the other answers!!

    I thought people had $ex vertically, not horizontally. weird, i know.

  8. i always thought girls also had p***s ....but it was great to read what other ppl wrote ..i laughed a lot..

  9. I used to think that you had to do it in the bathroom and that is why my parents used to take showers together. I also didn't use to know about having a v**** thought it was all done through the pee hole.

  10. I believed ppl jus laid on top of each other and start rollin around and goin up and down and then they were dun....And i believed babies jus busted out of ppls stomach

  11. i believed that girls had penises but that they were insideout

  12. i thought that s*x was a number

  13. I believed for a long time oral s*x was not having s*x

    I believed babies were just put into your stomach and some how some way doctors took the out

    i believed that you couldn't get pregnant if you were standing up, you had to lie down

    And the funniest of all "Bigger Is better"........lolololo

  14. I believed until I was 7 than storks really brought babies to people's houses.

  15. i thought tht s*x was kissing in public lol

  16. I thought the reason some people couldn't have kids was because the man didn't know how to "enter" the woman.

    I always believed that people were lying to me when they'd say "men get erections" I found it such a strange concept, I didn't believe it.

    Oh well. All that's changed now.

  17. I thought oral s*x was like phone s*x.You just talk to the person and your done.LOL!

  18. when my sister was born my mom told me her and dad couldnt kiss for like 6 weeks so until like 2 years ago i actually thot they couldnt even kiss. lol. and i was reading out loud and it said organism and i said orgas.m and everybody started laughing and i go what?? then dad goes thats something girls get, and mom was like so do boys! now ialmost puke when i realize MY PARENTS were talking about that stuff like right in front of me. lol and i thot 69ers were circus freaks cuz that is what a friend told and i thot s*x was just people laying beside each other and somehow the boys part got there. lol.

  19. i thought until i was 7 that people just kissed and then had a baby... if that were actually true almost EVERYONE would be pregnant.

  20. I never belived women had orgasms, it seemed like the most obserd thing. I was having useless s*x for 2 years till one day my boyfriend let me get on top. It changed my world forever. I was like oohhh so thats what all the fuss is about.

  21. i have always believed in dumbo!

    and are you like 11?

  22. When I was little I thought "s*x" was when people rolled around in bed together (that's what they always did on TV) and then somehow got pregnant.

    Oh, I also use to think a guys p***s stuck straight out (instead of curving up like it does) so I couldn't figure out how like, missionay position, would work.

  23. i always thought that they wrote a letter to the stork and then the stork gave them a baby in mommys stomach


  24. I didn't know that actual penetration was like a part of it. I just though that if p***s and v****a like even sightly touched then pregnancy could occur, that was like fifth grade, I was rather sheltered..

    I also though that when my mom was overdue with my little brother, that when he was born he'd be older than me.. I think I thought that he'd like be a teenager and have green hair and just kind of skateboard out of my mom... I was five and I watched a lot of cartoons.

    I was an idiot...

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