
What kind of stuff do you write to a penpal?

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I got a penpal for the first time and I don't know what kind of stuf I'm suppose to write to her.




  1. Crazy lies about all kinds of weird happenings and the cool junk I have just laying around my mansion.

  2. With a new pen pal I always start out with interests and family. What's the things they like to do or not and what kind of family do they have. In return I tell about my interests and my family. That's an easy way to get the ball rolling. From there I ask more about their interests and tell more about mine. When I know them a bit better I start to talk about things in life and ask what they think about this or that. Right now I have one pen pal that I'm discussing music with, one that I'm discussion movies with, one that I'm discussion kittens with ... and so on. I'm telling my pen pals about what I'm doing in my garden and my thoughts on the need and the greed in this world right now.

    I don't think there are any right and wrongs as long as you're not too personal too soon.  

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