
What kind of stuff would make you kick a man in the balls?

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What kind of stuff would make you kick a man in the balls?




  1. Plenty of things, I've kicked my boyfriend in the balls on numerous occasions. Usually it's if we're play fighting and he over does it, then I'll kick or punch him in the balls. I've been trying to avoid it though since he complains every time. I guess us girls just don't understand the pain lol

  2. A Woman should not need a reason, nor have to explain Herself in order to kick a man in the balls. It is Her prerogative as a Female.

  3. If he tried to physically assault me in anyway

    that is obviously the weakest thing on a man

  4. Generally i say do not kick a guy there. I have never done and hope i never will.

    I would only do it if may health was threatened

  5. If I felt my life were threatened by this man and I needed to immobilize him, in order to escape.

  6. The only way I would kick a man in the balls is if I was under attack (physical attack) by him. I don't believe in doing anything to anyone that I don't want done to me. So if I don't want a man hitting me, I won't hit him. But if he physically attacks me, I'm going to do what ever I can to make sure he remembers never to put his hands on me, or any other woman ever again.

  7. lets not hurt one another, lets just love one another

  8. Only if I were under threat of physical attack.  It's a really low blow, only to be used in the direst of situations.

  9. I think I would only do that if I thought the guy was trying to rape or kill me or my family

  10. I'd only do it if I was in a physical fight with a male.

    And playfighting doesn't count.

  11. I would only kick a man in the balls if he was trying to rape me or assault me in some way.

  12. sexist remarks, belittling of "female problems", such as periods, pregnancy, childbirth, weight gain, feminine hygiene, etc.

    I also kicked a guy in the balls once because he said something mean about my cat.  Seriously, DON'T MESS WITH KITTY.

  13. Being an anatomically correct male myself, I can say that the lowest limit at which I would kick another man in the balls would be something along the lines of if this other man we're to spit, punch or grab any of my friends, family, or simply an innocent person in a vicious way. It is an awful pain, it spreads slowly upwards into the abdomen and develops into an added feeling of nausea. It takes only the slightest tap to bring about really bad pain, so a full blown, well placed kick is likely to have any man on the floor for a good five or ten minutes. I would never do it unless I wanted to cause serious pain and damage. It can make a person infertile and a hard enough kick can land someone in hospital.

    Edit: After reading a few other answers it seems that the point at which I would do such damage is slightly less, but I'm not a forgiving person in the slightest when it comes to people stepping out of line. I guess it depends what you consider to be an 'attack'.

  14. If he gave me an STD.

  15. Very few men would punch a woman in her busters. But feministic women have no compunction about kicking a man in the balls and they relish doing it. Just another example of their man-hate.

    Interesting point: Punching a woman in the busters is regarded as a criminal offence. Kicking a man in the balls is actually condoned by the law. That's another example of screwed-up laws.

    Politically correctness edit: Punching a woman in the busters or kicking a man in the balls can cause serious damage and should NEVER be done.

  16. I would only ever do it if I had to, like if I was under attack or a man was trying to rape me

  17. If he took my purse.  Or if the thought crossed my mind that it would be funny to do so.

  18. Physical assault


  19. I can't imagine ever doing this.  I think it would be extremely dangerous.  Men are a lot stronger than women, and in any physical confrontation the woman is almost inevitably going to come off worse.  I would not personally want to goad a man by doing this.

    The only circumstances in which I could imagine doing this is if he had physically attacked me and I was fighting for my life or something.  In which case I suppose you have to try to do what you can, however dim the prospect of success.

  20. If he tried to kick me first.

  21. A serious threat to my personal safety...nothing less.

    I find this whole question to be distasteful.

  22. not much.

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