
What kind of survival equipment would you use during a huricane?

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What kind of survival equipment would you use during a huricane?




  1. I've been more than a couple hurricans, a side effect of living on the coast of NC and SC, and I can honestly say the only things I ever make sure that I have are fresh water, batteries, flashlights, candles, lighters, non perishable food, and blankets.

    And to be honest I've only had to use all of that stuff once.

  2. Lots of bottled water. Flashlights and lanterns as well as candles, toilet paper, caned or easily preserved food like trail mix and beef jerky. Then there's the battery operated TV/radio to track the storm and clean up as well as a knife, deck of cards  and warm dry clothes. Don't forget lots of spare bateries and a first aid kit!

  3. Ha Ha!! Being from Southwest Florida, Hurricanes are regular conversation during the summer months. Generally we save our Hurricane preparations for a few days prior to the storm. Hurricane predictions, though sometimes accurate, have a tendency to change their path. After the local Emergency Management Team gives us the "go ahead", we begin to crazy process. The list includes, Hurrican shutters or plywood for boarding the windows. Batteries for flashlights, radios and battery operated T.V.'s. Plenty of water and non-perishable food items - canned goods, bread, peanut butter and jelly, etc. Plenty of gas for the grill, gas for the generator, gas for the chainsaw and gas for the car in the event of an evacuation or a power outage at the pumps. It's good to have cash on hand in the event of a power outage and the failure of ATM machines. Cleaning supplies and paper towels. Tarps to repair the holes in your roof, baby diapers and formula. Refills on all prescriptions and plenty of xanax to deal with days without power!!! : )

    Hope that helps!!!

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