
What kind of talents do you have to have to get an ivy league college scholarship other than being smart?

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I heard some people who almost get full marks on their SATS don't even get accepted into an ivy league college because they're ONLY smart!!!!!!!! So I need to know what kind of talents and things you have to be good at to get accepted into any ivy league and get a scholarship there.

I'm 13 now and I get straight A's in school, I'm extremely athletic, I'm almost a pro at piano, I can create actual computer programs (like cookie stealers (which are illegal but I just learned how to make one for educational purposes)), and I skipped a grade in math. I'm not dorky or anything. I've got a ton of popular friends because people think I'm really funny (in a good way) and I'm really outgoing. And I don't date even though a lot of guys ask me out.

So the question I"m asking right now is what kind of things you have to be good at to increase your chances of getting a scholarship to an ivy league school.





  1. every college has different criteria for admissions. High SAT scores cannot hurt, nor can a good GPA. MOST highly selective colleges get bombarded with applications filled with great grades and test scores, so they look for something else. Extra-curricular activities, volunteer work (very important at some colleges). Your essay will count a lot, so I suggest that you focus some time on writing skills: remember that what passes for good writing in High School does NOT usually passes for good college writing.

    One other thing that will be helpful is to see if you can take AP classes, and do well on those tests. Some high schools have an articulation with a local college to grant college credit for AP classes as well. You could also see if you can take a class or two over the summer at a local community college... this certainly will not hurt.

    You have time, so don't fall into the panic mode that so many do at your age.... selecting a college is not all about them accepting you, YOU have to select them as well!

    Good luck.

  2. you really need to stand out against other people who are applying...but your 13 now and dont really need to worry about it until you get to HS bc thats when everything starts to count...Do clubs, take honors and AP classes, join sports, volunteer and help the community....collages are looking for well rounded students.

  3. If you play a musical instrument really well you might get a scholarship based on that, but you have to work hard at it and be REALLY good. Also, theater is another discipline that requires more talent than book smarts..and your athletics, if you get REALLY good at swimming, track, etc....they will look at that as well for acceptance and scholarship...good luck.

  4. Ivy League schools want well-rounded leaders -- the best of the best in every way.  They are looking for brains (obviously), character, leadership, talents, positivity, high energy levels, innovation & creativity, persistence and perseverance, humanitarianism, ability to relate to and interact effectively with people from a wide range of backgrounds, excellent communication skills.  So besides high grades in tough courses, they want people who have created and invented things, organizations, etc; leadership positions in clubs and organizations (elected and non-elected); athletic ability; winners of science fairs, music & other types of competitions; long-term participation in something (perseverance); Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts (leadership, character); maturity; volunteerism; published works, debating club, Model UN, etc for communication skills and other qualities.

    They do not want "mall rats," one-shot shooting stars (they flame out), brainless jocks, bookworms who never leave the library, dilettantes who take piano one year and tennis the next & never stick with anything to get good at it, "vegetarian reports" (looks slick, no meat, no substance), "people pleasers" (no character, no sense of self, extreme superficiality), etc.

  5. well seing as you brag i can do it too.

    i play piano. dj, guitar, soccer.

    uai 98.1

    you need athetics, very high.  

    i am out of the question, sorry.

  6. You need more than just good grades to get in, as you said. Overachievers apply in droves for Ivies, and most are rejected. You need to prove that you're one of the future leaders of America, organizing high school clubs doesn't count, because it only proves that you have the skills to be a secretary. If you're rejected from all eight Ivy League schools, don't worry, there are still other fine institutions of higher learning that you should consider. I will list some self-reccomended non-Ivy schools in addition to the Ivies.

    Ivy League





    University of Pennsylvania




    Reccomended non-Ivy, albeit prestigious, universities



    William and Mary


    University of Michigan

    Penn State University

    University of Iowa

    University of Chicago

    I should add something, though. Refusing to date could be interperted as poor social skills or immaturity/underdevelopment. I'm by no means insinuating that you should engage in the immoral acts that many of your peers do, however, going to the movies or an amusement park will not harm your integrity in any way.

  7. u have it all. u need athletics, you need to volunteer and help the community, and u need a unique personality that stands out from the rest. =]

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