
What kind of teeth would need root canal treatment or pulling out?

by  |  earlier

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What would be the symptoms?

Eg colour, state of teeth, pains, looseness etc.




  1. well if you had crooked you would need a brace so u need teeth taking out to make room for the brace

  2. well firstly i don't know if you are asking this as one or two questions,but they can be related, root canal can need doing when decay goes to the root,when the tooth dies,which can be from trauma etc,also when a  infection is there, extration eg pulling tooth out can be done if it is too bad/root canal would not be best option, if there is infection, if you needed braces that would be when you was young that they may remove some teeth to make everything even out/make space,these are mainly the reasons these treatments are done,hope this has answered some questions for you

  3. extraction is when the tooth is beyond repair - and most teeth nowadays (at a cost) can be repaired.  It is very difficult to root fill upper wisdom teeth because of the access so not all dentists would do it but there are always specialist who will.

    Gum disease is a very   common reason for extraction as the bone structure holding the tooth can be  damaged and the tooth become wobbly.  If gum disease is extreme then teeth will eventually fall out.  

    Root filling does not solve wobbly teeth.

    Root fillings are carried out when the nerve in the tooth has died.  Symptoms are sensitivity to pressure i.e pain on biting.  Throbbing.  Swelling. discolouration will occur also as there is no blood supply to the tooth and it is 'dead'.

    Hope all that helped and you don't personally have any symptoms!

  4. an example for needing a root canal could be if the cavity has gotten so bad that it touches your nerve in your tooth, extraction (tooth pulling) would be an extreme case like if your tooth is beyond repair

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