
What kind of testing does a child study team do? What does it involve?

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What kind of testing does a child study team do? What does it involve?




  1. In my school, we have a child study team that monitors students who are falling behind in the classroom. We implement scientifically research based strategies in the classroom (in addition to strategies already used) to see if it helps the child to be more successful. Data is collected daily and at the end of 15 days of interventions, the team meets again to discuss if there has been any improvement or decide if the student needs to be referred for special education testing.

    The child study team is positive because it works to find out if there is some other way to help the student before referring him to special education services. If it is possible to help a child succeed in the classroom without having to have a special ed label, then that's what we want to do. If not, then we ask the parents for permission to test, and then have a full evaluation to find out if there is a disability that is hindering this child's progress.

  2. A child study team does testing to see if a child can qualify to take an initial full educational evalution to determine if child can qualify for  special education services.

    I am not sure what this testing involves.

    If a SCHOOL wants to see if a child can qualify for special ed services, this IS the testing they do FIRST.

    BUT, if a PARENT wants to see if a child can qualify for special ed services, the school can NOT do this 'child study team' testing.

    The school has to do an 'initial full educational evaluation, testing in all areas of suspected disabilities, to determine if my child qualifies for special ed services, as specified by IDEA law'.

    When a parent requests this IN WRITING, the school can NOT do the child study team testing.

    I do not know what the initial evaluation for sped eligibiltiy involves, but the school has to do testing in ALL areas of suspected disabilities, meaning to do testing for ALL the childs problems that interferes with education.

    The parent can request which tests to be done by the school. If school refuses, they have to have legal reasons for this refusal and put the reasons in writing to the parent called 'prior written notice'.

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