
What kind of things are you supposed learn from your mother?

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I asking this cuz i really dont think my mother is a mother at all.. You moms suppose to teach you to wash you hands when you go to the bathroom but i learned to do that when it was brought up at dinner when i was like 10.. and my mother looks at my as a daugter but she treats me like a friend.. she tells me all the things that go through her head and her little plans.. to leave my father and what not... (shes' also told me that me and my brothers are lucky to have her insted of having one of her sisters as a mother,But i dissagree.. )And iv seen other kids there relationships with there parents and what they talk about.. And it nothing like my mom and me.. i feel i cant tell my mother anything. i just feel like i cant trust her..

soo.. my question do normal mothers treat there daugters? and does it sound like my mothers any good at this mothering thing??





  1. I'm not sure what 'normal' is -- but things with your mom sound unhealthy. You want a mom, not a friend and that is completely normal.

    I'm sorry your mom is not doing the best job. Being a mom is hard, we all make mistakes. I'm sure she is doing the best job she knows how to do.  Of course that doesn't make it any easier for you right now. You will be out of her house in a few years, and you'll have your own family - all you can do is learn from her mistakes and do your best not to do the same thing.

    Maybe you could tell her 'I don't want to hear about that' when she steps over that line and makes you uncomfortable. Do your best to learn healthy habits that you should have been taught at home - watch what you're friends do, or what their parents say to do. Its SO hard to learn things like that on your own - I've had to learn a lot of stuff myself too - stuff my mom should have taught me.....

    Email if you want to talk -- We all need to vent sometimes.

  2. While it is wonderful that your mother sees you this way there are a few things that you don't talk about well at least not at 13. Does you mom drink a lot? If she wants to leave your dad that si all well and good but she shouldn't be telling you that. I ti one thing to find out on your own. Moms are supposed to teach you thing like good bathing habits how to do house work and stuff and put you in classes like dancing and go shopping with you even when it is for bras and underwear and should embarrass you at least once a week LOL. I am sorry but I think you mom needs to get her priorites straight. I would say mom what you plan for you is your own business please don't tell me  unless it is absolutely nessacry for me to know.

  3. Every mother has a different opinion. I think it's great that you and your mom have such a good relationship. Your mom is supposed to teach you things, but they're also role models. They show you what you're supposed to act like and what do dress like and what to do with your life. If your mom isn't a role model to you then maybe she's not the greatest mom, no offence.

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