
What kind of things can I do to make my baby bearded dragon trust me?

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I just got a baby beardie yesterday and he is a little scared of me right now. I'm guessing hes only about 1 1/2 - 2 months old, and of course with me just bringing him home yesterday and being so young i expect him to be a little scared, but I was wondering if there are any tricks I can try to get him to trust me faster? I've been told not to come at him from above but to come from the side, and I have also fed him veggies from my hand and he has taken them, which I'm guessing is helping the trust factor as well. Someone else also gave me the suggestion of giving him a bath in room temp water, but I cant get him to settle down long enough for me to pick him up much less give him a bath! Does anyone have any other suggestions I can try?




  1. there's no real trick to it beyond just being around it and handling it. it's that simple

  2. Talk to him. Pet him too. Hold him a lot. He will squirm a bit when you hold only because hes young and he doesn't completley trust you. Just keep trying and follow everything I told you and he will enjoy being with you ;D

  3. hold him often.

  4. I used to have a bearded dragon and what i did was take it slowly, see him everyday and when you feed him give him by hand to get used  to your  presence.

    Spend most of your free time next to him be calm and friendly and always try to be close to him and you should try and pet him and show him that your nice.  

    Hope this helps you.

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