
What kind of things can I or should I do with my 4 year old during the day?

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I feel like he should be learning something, or engaged in activities. We don't have too much money or too many friends. He goes to preschool part time, but doesn't seem to learn much there other than socializing. He doesn't watch TV much, some days none, and mostly plays with his Playmobil, blocks, Megablocks, Clickstart Leap Frog learning games. He doesn't seem to want to draw or color much and is frustrated that he can't do more than "scribble", despite my example of trying, even though I'm no great artist. I'd like to read to him more, but the books are so insipid... Do we have a problem and how can we improve so he's learning as much as possible, getting enough exercise...




  1. truth be told, he may be inactive because hes not used to being so active, take him to a zoo, fun and learning experience and you can learn his favortie animal.  uh, the beach build a sand castle, or a park, toss a frisbee.  and finally teach him to draw, even if its not good you can teach him to draw stick figures.

  2. Sing songs with him. Songs that are on his level. Take anything he likes and turn that into learning. My father raised me till I was 7. Im a girl so you know it was hard for him to do things. But he would take me outside and play catch with me and we would count how many times we can throw it and from there he was teaching me more complex shapes(baseball dimond) and anything that delt with sports. In every sport theres something that you can teach your son that will have everyday value to it and will help him learn. If he has a fav toy play with him with it and then  ask him about senses and stuff.  I work with kids and it is sometimes hard to teach the unwilling but you just have to find what he loves and play with it

  3. Download educational games thru internet.

  4. I work in a daycare center.  The four year olds sing songs, they have puppet shows (an old sock with a face drawn on would work just as well as anything expensive), they learn the alphabet and they start basic reading.  You may think the kids books are dumb but four year olds don't so have a field trip to the public library and let him pick out books for himself.  Coloring and drawing aren't the only forms of art.  Give the kid some sidewalk chalk and let him go to town outside.  Paint is good too.  Even if his picture is horrible, tell him it's great.  Hang it on the fridge and make a big deal out of it.  He is probably frustrated at his scribbling because he gets that vibe from your reaction.


    Teach him to write his name - my wife and I taught our little girl at age 2 1/2 to write her name, verbally spell her name and spell her name by signing (not singing) American Sign Language.  We are usually ahead of the lessons that are taught by schools, even the private French school she now attends is very slow paced academically - but she is learning French at age 3 1/2.  Young children are not given enough credit and are dumbed-down at an early age.  

    Your boy is frustrated because he is probably very bright but does not have the skills to express himself.  


    Take him to a gymnastic class, 30 minutes a day once or twice a week where an instructor will teach basic balancing, rolling and tumbling skills.  It's about $25 per lesson, not cheap but worth it.  It's a great confidence builder and lots of fun.  Also Gymboree may be an option.


    Storytelling at night is a good way to open his imagination if you encourage him to add to the story.  Teach him to count to 20 in English, Spanish and French . . .  . . . you will be very surprised.  Teach him to memorize your cell phone number and home address - it won't take long.  He should be able to write and recognize every letter of the alphabet by this age.  Give him a couple of 25 piece puzzles to assemble (do them with him), then a 30 piece, then a 100 piece.  My little girl is now working on a 300 piece puzzle.  This activity alone will build so many skills:  memory, hand-eye coordination, problem solving, etc.  Not only will it bond the two of you, but you will be so proud when he completes one on his own for the first time.  Good luck and most importantly - have fun with your little blessing!

  6. puzzles  help with learning shapes and hand eye coordination. any thing to help learning to count .  Any thing but video games ..   seriously  kids start playing video game then they get hooked  and become lazy

  7. take him to the park and offer for him to bring his blocks

    he can run around there, go on swings, slide. etc.

    if he sitll has his blocks, worst comes to worst, he is there with his blocks but at least it is a change in space

  8. It is normal for some kids to not want to draw or color at 4 years old.  My son was like that and now, at age 7, he writes and draws all the time.

    If you want to make sure your son is getting enough exercise, make sure you take him outside to ride bikes or walk or go to the park at least once a day.  Or just let him run around in the backyard.  Here is a list of good physical activities:

    The toys your son likes to play with are great.  Blocks and playmobile are great for imaginitive play and fine motor skills.  Here are some other activities you may want to try:

    Here are some ideas for encouraging reading:

    You can find many other activities at the link below:

  9. go to the park and try your self to start counting with ur child and telling them the colors of things and teaching the letters.. sing the alphabet song..

  10. absolutely anything depending on where you live

  11. Play alphabet outdoor games.  For example, go for a walk and name or collect (depending on where you live) 10 items that start with the letter A. This teaches the use and sound of letters and how to count to 10.

    You could also have help cooking.  Measuring three teaspoons of this or 1 cup of that also helps.  It also helps identify ingredients and also helps with counting.

    Make salad faces on a plate and have your child name all of the vegetables on the plate.  Explain to your child that tomato is a fruit and the benefit it has on his or her body.  Explain to your child that celery that makes great eyebrows by the way, is a very good healthy vegetable (if not eaten filled with peanut butter and so on).

    Remember, your child is only 4, and will have difficulty holding a pen,  - perhaps a chalkboard, or magnetic numbers and alphabet letters on the fridge so your child can learn to count and.   My child loves singing and we constantly sing songs and nursery rhymes and the alphabet song -

    If you child does not like going outside, get a mini trampoline and bring that in for your child to play on.

  12. Play pizza delivery or have him help you clean, look through photo albums, sing songs

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