
What kind of things can you learn/earn/realize by VOLUNTEERING for ur community??

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What kind of things can you learn/earn/realize by VOLUNTEERING for ur community??




  1. dear, u meet different people when from the daily circle of people u are with in the volunteering , u could learn hundreds of things from them, the greatest sastifaction one can get only when one helps others without accepting anything from any one then only u can be happy with your own self at the end of the day u will feel good about yourself ,  as long as u live volunteer help for anyone let it be ur community or something else.  Bye

  2. I agree with the other posters and will add that you will learn a great deal about yourself, strengths that you may not be aware of and can grow stronger from, weaknesses, things that you want to improve upon.  You will learn how others live and see life through their eyes, you will become selfless and no that life is greater than oneself, and importantly know that YOU can make a positive impact on someones else's life.

  3. You will learn about/realize your community's strengths and its most pressing needs. You can learn about how a particular issue is addressed. You can learn who is doing what in a community -- and who is doing nothing at all. You can learn facts first hand, rather than through "someone told me that..." or "so-and-so's cousin's brother-in-law said that...". And you can learn skills to help you in your own career and for life in general, earn the respect of people, and realize your own strengths and weaknesses.

  4. That the streangth of many is the streangth of the community.

    Hives produce 100-200 pounds of honey each year, yet the average worker bee will only produce 1/2 teaspoon of honey in his life.

  5. I volunteer in the senior center a few blocks from home as often as I can. Mostly to listen and offer encouragement to my fellow seniors. At times we can actually come up with some help with paperwork or just help cutting out coupons that help us to save money and share what you can't use. It is very important that I do this.

  6. The first thing you learn is that you get more from others than they do from you. You may give someone a hamburger, a blanket, or your smile and a hug, but you will be affected more than you can possibly imagine. It will touch you at a level where you can truly say you "feel' for people. The feeling is not only emotional, it is physical.

    If you are not careful, you can become addicted to volunteering. You have to learn to prioritize because you CAN'T do it all, and there is so much to do.

    Some of the people don't want our help, and we need to respect that. There are plenty out there who want our help. Someday, you may see one of these on the street, or at work, and you will be able to see how you have made a difference. That will make you feel REALLY good!

    What can you earn from this? One word - respect. You will earn respect from most of the rest of the world, and will find you respect yourself better as well.

    Depending on what you volunteer in, not everyone may like what you are doing. You will just have to accept that.

    Good Luck!

  7. volunteer work will give you:

    - patience & compassion

    - an opportunity to give back to the community

    - a good resume

    - a positive outlook on life as u realise that ur lucky

    - new friends

    - new goals / purposes in life

    - a sense of fulfillment when u change ppls' lives for the better

    - problem-solving & organisational skills

    - resourcefulness

    - improved communication / people skills

    - work experience in the real world (if ur still at school)

    as for what u can realise from volunteering, it depends on ur power (influence), $$, resources, determination, supporters. whatever the case may be, every little thing helps.

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