
What kind of things do you say to a six year old to make them appreciate what they have?

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We have a six yr old daughter who doesn't seem to appreciate or even to be very thankful for anything that she gets. Whether it be a toy if she is deserving or food that we have for meals, if it's not what she wants then she fights tooth and nail with us over it. She is not spoiled by any means, we don't give into her whenever she wants something or doesn't want something. We do reward her when she does listen and when she doesn't throw her little attitude around. Any suggestions that you might have would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.




  1. Actions speak louder than words!  If she doesn't appreciate a toy or is acting out, you may have to take it away from her.  I guess I'm pretty old school, my oldest is 18 years old.  I'm not a spanker at all, so I have had to rely on talking with my children and establishing that Mama is the boss, not them.  Time outs were always my thing for inappropriate behavior.  I taught my boys, with words and actions, that as long as they respected me that I would respect them.

    Good luck!  Children go through so many stages that it's hard to keep up.  I can remember stating "This is dinner, if you don't eat your dinner, you will be hungry because there will be no snacking and I will not cook another meal tonight" many, many times.

    Consistent punishment whether she is with you, Dad, or family members will be needed to correct her behavior.  If everyone is on the same page as to what is acceptable, it will be easier for her to understand.

  2. When i was little i used to watch

    thos commercials with the orphans

    in Africa, the little kids look so sad

    and they dont have parents

    and how little they have

    It used to make me so sad

    and guilty for having more than them

    that's kinda of extrema  to force her

    to watch them but if you could talk

    to her about it and watch one together

    and you could adopt a little girl over in Africa

    so she knows that she should be thankful


  3. I would say to take everything that she away and teach her that not everyone can have these things. For dinner one time put something very simple and show her that there are people who cant even have that. Have her see videos of other countries where it is so poor  or there is a chanel where you can see how other races are and dont have even money to have cloths or something to eat. There are diffrent ways you can try to teach her these things good luck and find the way she will realize. Good luck. :)

    *Mother of 2 year old girl and 30 1/2 weeks pregnant  

  4. Unfortunately, there is little that you can do to make them understand.

    Start by taking toys away and making her earn them back. Any slip-up and the toy gets taken away.

    Maybe take her to a battered womans' shelter and show her that so many other kids don't have the things that she has. Volunteer there with her and maybe she will be able to understand better afterwards.

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