
What kind of things do you yell during a game?

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at my tv: "what the *beep* is wrong with you. shoot the freakin puck & stop making rookie mistakes." if it's the leafs i'm most likely ragging on nik antropov for no reason, hating on john pohl for not playing good d, and at don cherry because of his blinding neon suits that i love.

at my mom: "please don't talk to me. it's because of you i missed that goal. i'll never forgive you :P". or "can you stop complaining about how hockey takes over my life."

at the commentators: "mike mulbury you're not funny. please stop talking bob cole. and to the tandem mcguire & miller please god stop being so excited and lay off the sauce."




  1. "Hit him with your F'ing purse, bub!"

    "Come on let's score already!"

    I shout some pretty nasty things usually....

  2. At the game:   "Yoh!  Beer guy, 2 right over here!"

    At home:  "Babe, while you are up, could you grab me a Heineken?"   Shortly followed by, "Get up then."

  3. DETROIT SUCKS at blackhawks vs. detroit games instead of lets go hawks thats about it

  4. "Hey ref! Get off your knees and quit blowing the game!"

  5. haha I learned that I swear quite alot when my team is losing.

    at high school games I boo some other teams' players, or yell at the coah to get a certain guy on the ice. one time a school was chanting "DHS! DHS!" so my friend & I replied "STFU! STFU!" I also do alot of random chanting, screaming, yelling, wooing, & singing/dancing along with the song. I also call random people traitors when they are wearing the opposing teams' colors.

    I was almost scared to cheer for Buffalo when they were playing MN(in ND, where alot of the Wild fans are). I had crazy Wild fans surrounding me. it was quite fun though. got some pretty...friendly looks that night. the TV, I don't really yell, as much as cheer or say things like, "WTF Crosby* you had that! come on!"

  6. I just yell  



  8. Who left my f#$%ing tap open.  now i have a gallon of wasted F#$%ing beer to clean up

  9. Don't you think it's just a bit weird to yell at a TV?

    I usually only yell when I'm actually at a game.  And, if I'm behind the away team goal, and my team is winning by a lot, I chant at the goalie, "It's all your fault, it's all your fault, it's all your fault..."

  10. i yell a lot of stuff, stuff id never want my grandmother hearing

  11. The umpire is blind.  GOD Bless you.

  12. I watch all my games at home, I mostly stick to f*ck or when a player on the other team scores I'm like stupid b*tch. I'm nothing compared to my sister though. She doesn't watch hockey but when she plays Grand Theft Auto...d**n! She'll start in English and end off in Punjabi.

  13. How did he freakin miss the shot with an empty net. GO LEAFS!

  14. I usually don't yell. I just watch the game and talk about the game.


  16. You guys couldn't score in a brothel!--when thy're having a bad game.

    Another stupid pim brought to you by ___

    Refs You Suck ..(chant)

    Since there are so many former Ducks on other teams I yell at them to a have a good game..but not too good. oh and this totally backfired  when we played against CBJ I waved at Fedorov and told him hi I still cheer for you.  (he'd recently been traded)..ummm yeah they won 5-3. My friend told me it's all my fault we lost getting Feds all happy. :P

  17. I say A LOT of things, if someone, anyone is acting stupid I will start yelling at the TV.

    If the fans say stupid things I yell at them:

    This one time I was at a Edmonton vs. Calgary game and this one guy sitting behind me and my cousin would not shut up. He was talking about stupid things like how Edmonton was going to trade Garon for Kipper because he was better and how Cogliano and Gagner couldn't score a goal on Kipper- this one got me mad so I yelled to him "Shut up already! Gagner's FIRST goal was against Kipper!" This shut him up for about 30 seconds before he started again.  So after the end of the first me and my cousin saw him while we were getting something to drink, I bought some Pepsi and purposely bumped into him (I was trying to spill Pepsi on him, it didn't work). The second period started and there he goes again talking c**p, so my cousin asks him "Can you be quiet?" The guy totally ignored his request so my cousin grabbed the guys beer and spilled it on his head! The guy was so mad he took his good-for-nothing Flames *** and left. The 3rd period was the best 3rd period of our life!

    If the players/coaches do stupid things I yell at them:

    Edmonton vs. Vancouver- I was watching the game on TV when MacT (Edmonton's coach) made a change on ice when Vancouver had the puck. It was a really stupid move because then one of the Vancouver guys takes the puck and scores before the change was made. I was screaming at MacT like crazy, my dad told me to stop because MacT couldn't hear but I kept on going and next thing you know my evil mother goes and takes the TV wires out to shut me up.

    My mom hates it when I watch hockey, sometimes she runs out of the house and goes to her friend's house if I'm watching hockey just to get away from my noise.

  18. "Are you F-ing kidding me?"

    "Oh really, Harry Neale? Is that what that was?"

    "Back in the crease ADD!"= To Miller

    LMAO Homes, I always say "You didnt see that **** coming did you?" LOL

  19. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!? COME ON BE MORE AGRESSIVE, PUT MORE PRESSURE.  i point a lot, when there is an open men especially on the powerplay i point and i say come on so and so is open pass it to him and then when they do pass it i say thanks.   other than that its the usual WHAT WAS THAT!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? HOLY m**o.  THATS BS COME ON GET A GOAL.

  20. "oh my f&@#$%& god! i can't believe you just did that!"

    "shoot the d**n puck already"

    "f%#@#$& $hit"

    "NOOOOOO...oh wait, nevermind"

    "YEAH, GO NABBY!!!!"

    "OH MY GOD!!!! WE WON!!!!"

    it tends to go like that many, during the course of one Sharks game, my heart tends to stop during numerous times...all those insanely close Nabby saves!

  21. The goalie's name. (chant)

    I yell at them for doing all of the exciting things  while I am doing my homework and doing bad things when I am done with my homework.

    I call them a jacka$$ when they do something stupid.

    I growl sometimes.

    Scream when they score.

    Cry when they win the cup.

    Scare the s**t out of my cat and dog when I cheer.

    How the freak can get a goal like that on Turco, Hasek, Osgood...

    Tell Getzlaf how freakin hot he is.

    The list goes on but I should probably be studying because I am at school.

    haha when you do spell check it asks if you meant to put Godzilla instead Getzlaf.

  22. well what i yell when a hockey player takes a dive i shout " we arent in a swimming pool stupid!" or my 'rents call the refs (if there are three of them) the three blind mice. plus we say "when are you going to fix those glasses cuz they aint working to well!!"

  23. Improper words that my mom wouldn't be very proud of. LoL, i always yell at my mom, or my sisters. My mom would be tellin me to clean up the room, during the most important parts of the game. When my sisters sit by me, for some reason i just keep telling them to move, even when they're not in the way.

  24. "Ovechkin's mother is a mailorder bride"

    "Semin like seemen"

    "F*** Ovechkin"

    "Crosby sucks"

    "Marty! Marty! Marty!"

    "The turtle has moves [Hatcher]"

    "a** hole, a** hole, a** hole"

    "Your not good"


  25. "Hey woman...GET ME A BEER"

  26. At home or watching the game with hockey buddies, it's always a lot of swearing, wooing (you know, like, "WOOOO!"), making fun of various players on both teams (sometimes for no good reason), and the occasional commentating.

    At games it's... swearing, singing, chanting, and heckling at different moments, but not obnoxiously so. I don't shout "shoot!" or "hit him!". I think I'm actually quieter at games, for the most part.

  27. F#@!


    M@#$%! F&$@!#


    No, I don't have Terets.

  28. In Buffalo

    I yell at the players.  "what the h$$$ are you doing?  dump and chase you re$$$s not try to skate through Chara"

    Go to h%$@ Miller and learn to f#%$@!$ play.  Why the h#$! didn't we keep Biron and dump Miller?  And why didn't you spend money on Campbell instead of saving it for Miller You dumb Darcy Regier"  I hate you "Regier got to h$@#"

  29. I know it is hard for you guys up there to get Leaf tickets, but down here in Tampa, tickets are dirt cheap and sometimes free (people that get season tickets often give them to me.....I wonder why?)  So.....

    When I go to games:  I yell,"What the FRIG?" or "Oh, Come on" during a bad call or "Fraser, look'in FINE tonight" or "Hey Shick, lets make a baby".......buttering up the referees on home ice never hurts. ;)  I never swear or curse while attending a game.  If feel no matter how much I pay for seats, I should not have to force families to listen to my potty mouth.  

    At home I yell:  "What the F---" or "Come on you F'ing idiot"  or "Total B-S" or "Yeah, Bit'ch...didn't see that Sh'it coming....did you?" or "Ew, Ew, Ew, Ah....that was almost in!"  or "F'ing post" or "Did you see that? horse sh'it" or "Score!!!!  Whoo-Hoo!!!  You want another beer?"

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