
What kind of things do your babies do?

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when they are sleepy? Like when our baby gets sleepy he will start really rubbing his eyes and then he starts singing mamamamama really loud..what does your baby do?




  1. my son starts thrownin a fit late and he starts rubbin his eyes, or he gets all cuddly.

  2. Reese gives me the classic signs loud and clear:  ear tugging, eye rubbing, yawning, 7-mile stare.  If I don't get her in bed fast enough then the whining-siren starts.  Trust me, you don't want to get to that stage, lol!

    Oh, and we give her a pacifier (I know, I know) at bed plus we sprinkle a few around the crib.  If I put her down and she's got a little energy left she'll collect the pacifiers so when I go in and check on her she's got one in the mouth, one in each hand and one or two near her.  It's so cute but we've clearly developed a sad addiction, lol!

    Inked Mommy: I know, I know!  I'm going to have to take her to PA, Pacifiers Anonymous.  I dread the day I have to take them away.  But that's not for another 10 years.  Ha! Ha!

    I can't go to jail!  I have to make $$$ so I can fund the very expensive psychiatrist I will need to hire in a few years to help my daughter overcome this addiction. And no worries about the name, happens all the time.

  3. My son rubs his eyes too & starts whining!

  4. Our baby is 8 months and when she is tired she smooshes her face to one side so her cheek snuggles against something, and the usual eye rubbing too.

  5. My 1yr old will get his favorite pillow and walk around the house with it until he finds "the perfect spot" and then plops down on the floor with his pillow until he falls asleep...It's so cute!  

  6. LOL its cute what mine does, she tries to fight it off. I know she is tried when she keeps opening her eyes, and when she starts kicking more.

    What she needs to stay awake for, I have no idea but its so cute!

  7. He started rubbing his eyes and if I attempt to lay him down he rolls from one side to the other, back and forth, back and forth, until I finally pick him up and cuddle him and then he pushes away from me.. Last night I even attempted to lay down on the couch and let him rest on my chest and he kept flip flopping around, it was driving me nuts, LOL

  8. My 8 week old screams her head off when she gets sleepy, lol.

    The funniest thing she does is snort when she gets mad, lol, you should her here, sounds like a baby piggy.

  9. ruby pulls on her ears -- that is always the sign. as a younger baby, she also got loud as she got more tired -- excitable, even. now it's just the ears. and i can ask her, "are you ready for a nap/for your bath." if she isn't, she furrows her eyebrows together and looks at me, like, "what? no!" but if she is, she puts her arms up and says "bath!" or "nep!"

    edit for reese's mom: oh my god! ruby does the same thing. she has to have one paci in the mouth, and one in each hand. as she is falling asleep, she sticks them in her eyes, all over her face. she never uses pacis during the day anymore, so...whatever. it's the self soothing behavior she developed, and it works, so we go with it!

  10. my daughter does the same things she rubs her eyes like mad and she pulls on her ears.  She also stiffens her arms and legs and arches her back and rubs her face on my chest.  As soon as I lay her down in her bassinet she will pick her legs straight up in the air and slam them down on the mattress until she passes out cold.

    Edit: my daughter takes a pacifier at bed time as fact it's the only time she will take it.  Are pacies bad?

  11. My son is 10 months old and he rubs his eyes, gets fussy and sometimes lays down on his belly for a few seconds then gets fussy again.

    My 8 month old nephew just lays on his belly and tosses and turns until we put him to sleep.

  12. He starts rubbing his eyes and he will start following me around whining. He takes his naps at about the same times every day so I know why he is whining.

  13. He blows raspberries on every available chest, Daddy's arm, the floor...

  14. My son usually starts fussing and rubbing his eyes.He will usually start saying mamamama & pulling his ears and hair as well.He also starts pulling on his clothes like he wants them off.

  15. my daughter is 12 mos and when she's sleepy-she rubs her eyes, starts whining or she lies on her back and move around sooo much all over her crib as if trying to find the most comfortable position..oh and she looks for her "baby" which is her teddy bear...

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