
What kind of things/equipment do people interested in paintball buy?

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Also what are they interested in? i want to know where to advertise my paintball business.




  1. Well we like friendly refs, owners etc. Good prices and knowledgeable people around. Safety lockers for the field to put stuff in.

    For stuff to buy upgrades, markers, and such. Carry good paintballs and rotate them often. If you can swing it a range would be a good thing to have. So if someone is looking into a marker/upgrade they can try it out. HPA and Co2 refills at a good price.

    Advertisement. Go to the local highschool/college and put up stuff if they will let you. hold tournaments.

  2. Well I am a paintballer and so is my brother and his friend, and what we like is a friendly  envorment. Like friendly people, friendly refs, any employee helpful. They need to know all saftey rules, they need to feel safe. Well organized. Teams set up nicely. Evenly and by skill. NO NEW COMERS AGAINST PROS!!! That is extreamly unfair. Have fair prices. Sell food around lucnh time if you want and sell drinks. They like to see a viraty of games. There is speedball and woods ball. Woods ball has many different types of games, such as : capture the flag elimation, attack and deffend, you can even play foot ball. or free for all. For rentals you should have like 98 tippmans(coustoms). Speedball is a fast fun pace game. 2-5 min long, but alot of fun. Have 10 min between each round for them to reload and rest and get some water. games should ;last 10-15 mins unless its a large full field, than 20 min. Well Thats all I can think of. Any question feel free to ask me, if I cant answer them Ill ask the owner of the field I go to.

    By the way Im a ref at the field, and any question I cant answer I can ask the owner Joe. and you can go to Thats the field I go to. Theres contcat infomation for the owner. You can ask him a few questions. And you can get a few ideas from the website... I hope this help at least a little.. GODD LUCK

  3. i am a die hard paintballer and one thing that just about all paintballers love to do is upgrade their gear, so bring in things like bolts, hammers, harnesses, good paint that you have inspected yourself and at a fair price. Anyone involved and around the paintballers should be nice and knowledgeable about the game and about guns and the like.most people are not only attracted to places by the prices and the games but by the people working there. Also for where to advertise try the local radio stations. The fields around here go to all the shops that sell paintball gear and put fliers telling about their games in the stores so when players go to buy paint or something they learn about your feild and hopefully will buy there next time if they had a good experience. Good luck and if you need to get into any specifics i am glad to help you.

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