
What kind of things might be useful to bring to Mexico???

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i'm teaching VBS in Sonora Mexico this August and need some tips on what would be helpful to bring...thx!




  1. Pepto Bismol, Imodium AD, sunscreen, bathing suit.

  2. Prescriptions for your medications, any device for testing blood, a cell phone that works in both countries (US/Mexico) all else is widely available, including sunscreen, condoms, bottled water, etc.

  3. tons of condoms!!!!!!!

  4. um ,it depends where you go, because if you have family there then its not much of a problem but if you dont there are plenty of hotels that provide you with towels ,shampoo and things like that. i would bring nothing that would show that it is your first time!

  5. You could bring small gifts for the children. When I was working in Mexico a few years ago we would bring those little toys you get in Happy Meals and other kid's meals at fast food restaurants. The kids loved them - like you had bought them an expensive gift. (We wrapped them in gift wrap, too.) You can usually pick them up extremely cheap at yard sales. You could also bring arts and craft supplies (not just to use in the VBS, but to give to the kids), or used clothing and shoes for the families (as long as it is nice, not raggedy looking, and packaged nicely.)

    For yourself, bring things to pass time with like books, handheld video games, or mp3 players (Don't use the expensive gadgets around othrs who would be offended by your "wealth," though.) Naturally, you'll want a digital camera, so you can take tons of pictures.

    Bring a big smile, and lots of love. :)

  6. a suitcase with plenty of money for bribes

  7. A US passport

  8. Hi! You are going to be near the desert, so will definitely will tons of sun block, a good jacket (it gets cold at night) You are not saying where in Sonora you are going to? but I will bring a small first aid kit as well. Have a great trip.

    try going to

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