
What kind of things should i put in a letter of resignation?

by  |  earlier

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I am leaving a place where i have been for 2 and a half years and have decided to leave. I want to keep my letter short and sweet but i don't know what things to put. I'm not exactly an expert at writing these things as this is the first one i've wrote. Any help??




  1. Date

    To Whom it May Concern (or your bosses name)

    I hereby tender my resignation to take effect from (date). My last working day will be (date) and I would appreciate all due monies payable on that day.


    This is only an example and bear in mind that you should have already given your resignation verbally and at that point you can discuss whether you want to tell them the reasons why you are leaving or not and then you can hand this formalised resignation to your boss at the time.  It just completes the task and they can then have it in writing in case there are any mis-understandings.  Good luck with this as it is never an easy thing to do.

  2. put you are resigning your reasons for resignng thanks for them having you. Done.

  3. Just state you wish to leave and the date. Do not put any reasons, remember you may need references in the future.

  4. take your pick.......>>

  5. To whom it may concern/To the management staff of ___:

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank my supervisors and co workers for the experience I have gained here. The skills and knowledge I've acquired in this position have enriched me, and will surely benefit me in the future.

    Unfortunately, I have decided to tender my resignation, effective two weeks/one month from today. It is with great pride that I will continue to fill my position during this time and aid in any transitional efforts desired of me.

    I wish the fine people of this establishment the best of luck, and I hope this sentiment is reciprocated. I feel a need to diversify my resume and otherwise better myself elsewhere. I hope this letter will suffice, but I would be happy to address any specific concerns in private.


    (leave a few spaces for your signature)

    (print your name here)

    Trust me...I have two letters of recommendation just from doing this at previous jobs.

  6. Just tell then that you wish to leave the Company on such and such a date,. that is all that is needed. if they are interested they will ask why, that is the time to tell them. Always always leave on good terms you may need a reference in a couple of years time. Do not withdraw your resignation once it is in it is in.

  7. you could put you wish to resign, with your last date of .... This is due to several factors including a change in your personal situation (or whatever)... you've enjoyed your time there and feel you have learnt a lot, and wish them the best when you've gone - be nice, and if you need a reference you can get a good one later :D

  8. You dont exactly have to write why, but if you really feel you need to, then do so. X

  9. Be professional about it.............pull one from the internet.

  10. All you need to say is that you wish to offer your resignation and that your leaving date will be...

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