
What kind of tires should i buy for very rooty and rocky terrain mtb riding.

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i am moving to the lower appalachian mountains and the trails there are very different from where i live now. i have ridden there before and the trails are very very rooty and have like boulders. not so much loose rocks but solid boulders.

i realize this is a very open question and could get thousands of answers but if anyone had any good suggestions i would really appreciate it.


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  1. You might appreciate a mid-size tire like a 2.3 or 2.4 if your frame will fit it.  There are several that you can take a look at.   If you're going to be hitting lots of roots (especially mossy, wet, or muddy ones), then get an aggressive full-k**b tire and accept the speed penalty on the smooth sections of trail.  They'll grab much better and keep you safer.  

    WTB Motoraptor or Timberwolf

    Maxxis Minion (one of the smaller ones)

    Kenda Nevegal or Kinetics

    I haven't seen them in person yet, but the new Kenda Telonix Hans Rey looks awesome.  If Hans put his name on it, it's a pretty safe bet that it's a good design for what you want to do.

    You might like a tubeless or dh tire even if you run innertubes in your wheels...they have thicker, stronger sidewalls that will help to prevent rim damage and pinch flats to a degree.  

    Hope this helps a little.  The best bet may be to poll local riders, clubs, and bike shops to see what people there have had good luck with.  Have fun, keep the rubber down.  :o)

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