
What kind of tournaments do college coaches usually look at?

by  |  earlier

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Do they look at local tour scores, club championship scores, AJGA scores, or do they just look in the handicap computer. I have a nine handicap, but usually play a little worse during tournament play because of a little added pressure, so I am just wondering what scores coaches look at. I am a freshman and play varsity, so I have lots of experience in tournament play.




  1. idk

  2. basicly dude, just make a video, you go to them they can;t contact u

  3. im thinking it will be a combination of all of them...just do your in eigth grade and i play JV so im gonna be in the same situtation as you

  4. The more experience you have, the more likely a coach will look at you. A nine handicap will not get you anywhere .There are too many out there with the same thought in mind, to make a college team. You have to be competitive in high school, in the scholastic tournaments along with some one with drag to get you noticed by a top golf school. If you are a 3 handicap or better, they will look.  they  might even take. But that is the competition you will be battling for a place on the team.

  5. First, I'd talk to your highschool golf couch and let him know you are interested in taking it to the next level because, he'll be the most respected talking to college couches. He should make a few phone calls for you you're junior year cause that's when colleges will really start looking at you. But in the mean time you need to do good in all of your tournaments really. but some of the key one's will be the state qualifying and state championship tournaments. also do some ajga golf tournaments in the summer as well to keep you on top of your game

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