
What kind of toys do cats like the best?

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What kind of toys do cats like the best?




  1. Hamsters

  2. Every cat is so different with a unique personality.  One of my cats loves furry cat-nip mice, while the other just loves paper anything.  Paper balls, tissue paper to rip up, etc...  he likes plastic bags, too- BUT if you give him a toy that is not really a cat toy, you must supervise at all times to make sure he doesn't hurt himself.  One of my cats also loves the sticks with a string and a fish attached to the end- good exercise.  Good luck!  Trial and error!

  3. my siamese cats don't like any of the above toys. in fact, they don't like any expensive toys (thank goodness). what they do like is a baby sock full of catnip (only if fresh, and only if in the mood). soft spongy balls that slide across the floor and be picked up and carried. and the most favorite is a DRIED LIMA BEAN. you read right. the bigger the better. but don't catch you watching him do it. he gets all embarassed and acts innocent and stalks away .

  4. Mine like little toy mice, and the bag that sounds krinkly when they jump in it.  

  5. my cats' favorites are the pull tab or the ring from the milk jug lid, crumpled up paper balls, and anything catnip.

  6. My cat loves these little soft toy mice with cat nip stuffed in them

    She also likes laser pointers lol

  7. my cat loves to play with yoys that have feathers on them, toy mice are cool to. also they luv to play with the twirley things that come off of milk cartons

  8. Anything that rolls. Waffle balls are fun for them.

  9. A toy with a string with a fake fish tied on it. Cats love fish, remember?

  10. My kitten enjoys anything that moves or makes noise. Right now, his favorite is a little bell with some streamers on it.

  11. My bunch loves the feater on a stick toys. They also love cardboard boxes they can play in. Milk jug rings are tops too. Once I found them playing "soccer" with a potato!

  12. Lasers


    Catnip toys

    Basically anything that moves is a great toy!! I fostered 6 kittens and all of the above were their favorite toys. You just have to be careful not to point the laser pointer in the cat's eye.

  13. Most cats love balls with bells in them, crinkly balls, catnip filled toys, and feather teasers. They also like those toys mice made with real fur. It depends on the cat though. Different cats like different toys.  

  14. Mine love q tips and rolled up tin foil, they would take that over a store bought toy any day lol

  15. my cat loves his toys with catnip in them and he loves to play with his balls with the bells in it.

  16. My cats like mostly anything with catnip inside them, Purr Pads are a hit but Santa usually brings them because they are $$, anything they can carry in their mouths (although Merlin likes to steal my daughter's slippers, lol) the small pretend furry mice but make sure they don't have anything glued on that can come off and get swallowed. Balls work for younger kitties (although Merlin likes to take our dog's tennis balls and roll them around and jump/kick them with his hind feet...He did enjoy the climbing tree - it went up to the ceiling but he seemed o to outgrow it w/ in a year and a half and not play so much on it.

  17. for mine its Fuzzy mice with catnip in it, OR get a paper grocery bag and put in on the floor, and watch the fun Begin, wad up a ball of foil and toss it across the floor, and I saved the best for last, ............A laser pointer, my cats go NUT-SO

  18. Having cats as pets is a nice things.Cats like to chase things that moves,so buy toys that can moves and make sure that the toys are soft.

  19. paper carrier bag,balls of wool,little bouncy balls,toy  mice,and anything that makes a noise.

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