
What kind of transport systems do you think might be developed in future?

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What kind of transport systems do you think might be developed in future?




  1. Cars that run on water processors IE hy +o2

  2. I was thinking about teleportation.  They are trying to develop it right now but can only transport light or single atom half a meter away.  It probably take a very very long  time for this technology to develop "- -

    don't think we will get to use it

  3. The focus of future transportation systems will be rail travel and surface ships.  We will have a modernized version of the mass transit system and cargo shipping system of 100 years ago.

    Only you won't get cinders in your teeth from all the coal-burning steam systems, like they did in those days.  I am old enough to remember riding on passenger trains as a small child that were pulled by coal burning steam locomotives.  I will never forget the taste of cinders in my mouth.

    The ideal transportation system for a place like the United States will be a combination of passenger trains and electric cars.  Americans will have to get used to not owning their cars.  Instead, for one low monthly payment, you will lease an electric buggy that can go about 60 MPH and have a range of about 50 miles.

    So you use your electric car to go to the grocery store or visit your Aunt Hattie.  When you need to go further than about 50 miles, you will park the electric car at the railroad station and get on a train.  You will ride in comfort at 80-100 MPH while you read the newspaper, surf the internet, watch the sports, or engage in conversation with a like-minded group of people.

    On some trains there will be conversation cars organized by "history," "politics," "hobbies," "science," and other topics.  It can't get any noisier than Yahoo!Answers, can it?

    On some trains you will be able to get a haircut and a shampoo, or a manicure, or a therapeutic massage.  Meals will be in the dining car, and they will be some of the best restaurant fare available anywhere.

    When you get to Chicago or wherever, you will get off the train, stick your ID card in the slot, and check out an electric car just like the one you use at home.  Go and do your business, check into your hotel, visit the museum, and whatever you are there for.

    When you get back home, you get off the train and check out another car just like the one you brought in.  You'll get used to it, and the one you check out may be a newer, nicer model for the same monthly fee.

    There are countless advantages to this system.  It is fast, efficient, environmentally friendly, safe, and cheap to use.  The trains will run on overhead electric wires, fuel cells, and hybrid technology.  The system will generate many, many good jobs, and it will restore us to our former status as the richest and happiest nation on earth.

    Well, that along with a few other good progressive ideas.  But the future could be bright, if we as a nation could learn to make a few wise decisions.

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