
What kind of tricks can you do on a fun board (7'6")?

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i've been surfing for a two of years now and i was wondering what kind tricks can i do on it. some stuff i managed to pull of (that aren't tricks i think) are bottom turns, floaters, and carvings. Suggestions por favor!!!!!!




  1. ooo theses are all the fun tricks hang ten, ride it backwards while hanging ten, headstand,  start off backwards and 180 as wave starts then keep going, tube rides    fun boards are good for all wave sizes and they have lots of speed i enjoy surfing an 8footer when waves are too small for shortboard and up to 10 feet or a couple times over head

  2. Bottom turns, toes-on-the-nose and handstands. The last one is a bit harder haha... You should borrow a shorter board and try it, I think if you want to do tricks then you're pretty confident and could probably have a lot of fun on a smaller board at this point. You seem to be "outgrowing" your 7'6", congratulations! I'm in the same boat and plan on trying out some smaller boards this season to see exactly what I've learned so far.

    Good luck and have fun!

  3. There's not much more you can do with a fun board.  Try surfing on a fish that's shorter in length.  It'll paddle and catch waves like your funboard but will be a lot more maneuverable so you'll be able to do more "tricks".  I use to ride a 7'4" funboard and dropped down to a 6'2" fish.  Take a look at  They only do fishes.

  4. On a 7'6" funboard - you already listed all the 'trick's worth doing on it.  Don't bother with the other tricks posted (not all but most) unless you don't mind getting snaked every wave after trying one.  I would concentrate on doing turns with more speed.  Floaters with more speed.  Bottom turns creating more speed.  Speed = good :)

  5. on a 7'6 it is hard to do heavy turns because the board is so big, try a bottom turn

  6. inverted arze 360..nah.. no... how about toes on the nose.. basic and easy.. hang 5, hang 10.. unless youre missing toes...

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