
What kind of tropical fish should be kept by themselves?

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I'm wanting to add a little more variety to my tropical fish tank. I haven't started adding fish yet, but I have an idea as to what kind I want. I'm going to add a larger school of Neons and a small school of Leopard Danios and Cory Cats (emerald?). I'm looking for a couple of fish that can be kept as individuals, like a Betta. Do Gouramis do okay by themselves? Do Dwarf African Frogs do okay? Or a kind of crab? What about Clown Loaches or something like that? Will they get too big though (16 gallon tank)? Also, I heard that a Plecostamous (sp?) is not a good choice for a community tank...what do you think? Thanks!

Also, I kind of need something that prefers the top, as Neons stay in the middle-bottom & Cory Cats stay near the bottom.




  1. Top dwelling - A dwarf gourami.

    Bottom dwelling - Bristlenose pleco.

    You are right, dont get a Common pleco, they are generally a good community species, as long as you have a 90gal tank. Not a good choice for a 16gal though. But Bristlenose plecos stay small.

    Clown loaches need to live in a group, and they also get BIG. You could get some dwarf loaches, but again you need a group of them


  2. A betta could go in that tank, ot a gourami, but not both. Gouramis are to color full and are also a bit nippy. African dwarf frogs need to have at least 1 other frog in the tank with them. You could get 2, or a small group of 5 or so! You can get a small crayfish for the tank, but he might take out a fish every  once in a while. Clown loaches are schooling fish and get to large. Not all plecos get to large. A bristle nose pleco could go in your tank! Something that stays at the top is hatchet fish, or platys. But platys and other live bearers reproduce fast!

  3. Top dwellers would include hatchet fish and they like to be in schools of three or more. With a small tank like you have you do not have much room for many fish.clown loaches like to be in schools of 4 or more and they can get to be over 12 inches long so they are out of the question for a small tank.A pair of dwarf cichlids like rams would be OK in that tank (as long as water qualities wee OK for them.The celestial danios are a very active and good looking fish that can be put in a small think (they are also a schooling fish)For algae control after you start getting algae, you can get a couple of otto cats, they only get to be less than 2 inches long.Or a bushymouth pleco which some species can grow to the massive size of 6 or 7 inches but most remain smaller. One of my favorite animals for a small tank is the dwarf crayfish. I have not seen them in stores except once so you might have to get them off of Aquabid..

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