
What kind of tuff can i do for boxing? like other types of sit-ups and all the stuff you have..........?

by  |  earlier

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Well, im a boxer and ive got 4 fights and silver gloves are coming up in 2 weeks.

i run 1 1 1/2 miles a day.

i use the perfect pushup and i lift weights.

i also do around 250 sit ups a day

what other kind of sit ups can i do?

list a website demonstaring.

and other types of things...




  1. keep doing what your trainer is telling you to do. look at the set expectation that you have of yourself in terms of how much you can do and then go one step further every time. Just keep on working till you can go anymore but still keep going because when you get to that last round of the fight you will need that energy to be able to use. some other exercises you can do...

    under-overs: this is when you lie on a bench and you grab your hands behind your head and bring your knees to your chest. when you do this you are also lifting up your lower torso as well.

    Knee ups: Hang from a pull-ups bar and bring your knees up to your stomach

    Knees to Elbows: While hanging from a pull-ups bar swing slightly and bring your knees all the way to your elbows

    Air Squats, Squat-thrusts, air lunges, climb rope

    instead of running 1/2 mile every day you need to have at least one long run which should be at least 3 miles and you also need at least 2 days of just sprinting. it is important to have both the long run for endurance and sprinting for quick bursts of energy. Both of which you will need in a fight. long distance to build endurance and be able to stay up the whole time and sprints for quick bursts of energy for when you attack in flurries and combinations.

    there are loads of things you can do check out the website for more information on fitness and nutrition

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