
What kind of turtle is this???

by  |  earlier

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because i want one do you know???and what all do they need???




  1. box tortoise. check for what it needs.

  2. its a box turtle and they eat veggies and other vegetations.

  3. Aww, these little guys are the best pets, although they tend to get quite big. That turtle would be your common box turtle. As I said, they get quite big, so they'll need a lot of space.

    Check out this page, because it has all the info youll need to know to keep one.

    Just make sure your ready to keep one, because turtles are a lot of work as a pet. Hope you get one though!

  4. There is no way that is a box turtle. Can you let us in on where it is from? Western U.S. perhaps?

  5. im not sure what kind it is but i do know that its definetly not a box looks like it could be some sort of a map turtle maybe.if you are interested in buying turtles go to

  6. It's a box turtle. It clearly says it in info<more. You should buy one at the pet store if they have one. NEVER take one out of the wild. If they don't have one @ a petstore like that, just buy the kind they have. The attendant will tell you everything. But you have to know it will cost more than 100 dollars for all of the supplies & including the turtle.

    Good luck! I can tell ur an animal lover!

  7. that is a box turtle and they tend to get quite big

  8. its a box turtle and i have a link for what it needs

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