
What kind of turtle makes the best pet?

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i want to get a turtle and i wondering which kind would make a good pet.

like you can hold it and its easy to take care of.

which one?





  1. I <3 Aquatic Turtles. Box turtles are boring. They don't do anything.... Get a Red Eared Slider or a Painted Turtle. They are so much fun! You can hold them, they don't let off a smell like Musk turtles and Mud turtles. and most the only work you do is cleaning out their cage once in a while. If you get a filter, it won't be as often. I also have two Dwarf African Frogs, and they are pretty cool, if you end up not wanting a turtle....

    But they are really nice, most don't bite. They need a half water half land aquarium though. I have a turtle dock so my turtle still has room to swim underneath it.

    here are some links to turtle care:

    Hope I helped!


  2. Please think twice before getting one as they live [ if there lucky]  for 30 -40 years, and they are better kept in a deep pond all year round, if you have them in a tank you need a  heat lamp and vitamin's.

    if you still want one please rescue one as loads are put to sleep ,please learn all you can about them first.

  3. I don't suggest the red slider turtles, the one's that live in half water, half land, they are hard to take care of and can really smell your house up. I would suggest a box turtle.  

  4. Turtles are not cuddly holding pets.Sliders, cooter, painted, map, yellow bellied all are basically the same and require the same basic care. And alot of $$$$$$$$.

    I have had my 2 slider  girls for 36 yrs. Plus an 8 and 5 yr old and now a 2 yr old adopted from this site.. Been in a pond for almost 7 yrs now

    The bigger the environment the bigger the healthier the turtle. A LARGE tank is needed, BIG!

    Did you know that they need to bask under a reptile light UVA for 8 to 10 hrs a day for the vitamin D that they need to grow. So that means getting a turtle dock also. They also sleep under water at night away from predators land and air , like owls and hawks.

    Leave the heater on 75 to 78 degrees always.

    Their water needs to be clean otherwise they get sick easily from dirty water cause they p**p allot.

    You need a good filter system! Gravel larger than they can swallow.

    You need to feed them feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows for protein and calcium daily drop 20 or so in the tanks and watch them disappear! This way when they swim for their dinner they get exercise also!

    TOSS in a bird cuttle bone in the water for calcium. it will dissolve real slow and if they eat it that’s fine!!

    They can have garden worm, meal worms, crickets, flies, crayfish and  anything that moves!

    They need leafy greens Romaine, Butter lettuce. (Iceberg and cabbage are bad for them, any other leafy greens will do) for vitamin A that they need at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    You probably already know that they get sick easily, shell rot, respiratory sickness, lopsided swimming, coughing, blowing bubbles from their nose, Swollen cloudy eyes means lacking in Vitamin A. Which we all need for good eyes. Google ‘vegetables with Vitamin A.

    I wish you luck.

  5. I have a red eared slider named Pete my friend gave him to me. They are easy to take care of and don't smell if you take proper care of them. They will let you pick them up.

  6. a tortoise is actually better than a turtle - they are land dwelling so you don't need to have an aquatic environment. They are generally friendlier and less likely to bite or snap than a turtle. Russian and Greek tortoises are both pretty tame - keep in mind that they can get very big and live a very long time! The tortoise itself will be around $100 and then you will need a big habitat, food, water, fresh fruits and veggies DAILY, a humid environment, a basking light and a UVA/UVB light (basically fake sunlight). They eat alot and p**p alot, but are pretty cool to have around!

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