
What kind of vegetable is ocra?

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Is ocra even a vegetable?




  1. Yeah it is.It's like brussell sprouts.

  2. yes it is, its green and it looks like a tiny cabbabe patch thing.they can be quite good if it is prepared correctly.

  3. okra is like a fungus that grows on the side of another plant. its more like a germ. but its under the section of both vegetable AND bacteria.

  4. Okra  is a flowering plant in the mallow family (along with such species as cotton and cocoa) valued for its edible green fruits. Its scientific name is Abelmoschus esculentus.

    The species is an annual or perennial, growing to 2 m tall. The leaves are 10–20 cm long and broad, palmately lobed with 5–7 lobes. The flowers are 4–8 cm diameter, with five white to yellow petals, often with a red or purple spot at the base of each petal. The fruit is a capsule up to 18 cm long, containing numerous seeds.

  5. Do you mean okra??

    It is delicious cut into round circles, dipped in cornmeal and fried.  If you just boil them till they are soft they are very good with lots of salt but a lot of people cannot deal with the slime factor when you just boil then

  6. Okra is a fruit (the ovum of the plant) that is typically eaten as a "vegetable" in the diet.  In other words, it's a "vegetable" because it's usually cooked and served hot with a meat main course.

    More specifically, okra is a berry, because it has sections in its mesocarp with the seed inside the sections.  Other familiar berries include oranges, tomatoes, and bananas.  Strawberries, on the other hand, are actually accessory fruit, because it is not the ovum that develop around the seed, but the recepticle.

    Some people insist that they are actually green slugs because they get slimy when you cook them, and taste gross.

  7. Slimy but oh so yummy. Get them small- teeny tiny.  Even frozen. Sautee them in olive oil and crushin garlic and all spice. YUM!

    Many foreign countries call it "bamia"

  8. Okra is botanically a fruit that is eaten as a vegetable, as per zucchini, tomatoes, and peppers.  Okra is in the Malvaceae, the same family of cotton and the ornamental hibiscus.  The binomial for okra is either Abelmoschus esculentus or  Hibiscus esculentus.

    Yes, okra slimes up when boiled, but makes a great addition to soups and curries.  It is great when fried or grilled.

  9. there is a trend out there somewhere that everything with seeds is scientifically a fruit... so scientifically i would assume okra is a fruit... but seriously... its a vegetable.. and so are tomatoes... you don't see okra hanging out with the pinapples and oranges in the local Farmers Market... nope.. they are chillin right next to the string beans...

  10. It's a fruit

  11. yes it is - ocra, or 'lady's finger' is a legume (bean), it's star-like cross section is kinda like the lotus root with tiny seeds inside.

    sliced thin and stir fried with shrimp-paste, chilli and pepper, it's yummy!

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