
What kind of vegetarian am I? Does anyone else think like me??

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I mean when my mother buys chicken meat.. with the legs, breast, etc then I will feel bad for it.. so I only eat it in fillet form.. i wouldn't eat it when i can see the body parts.. its just sad.. so i eat fish (pesco) and dairy and eggs

what kind of vegetarian am I?




  1. sorry to say you're not a vegetarian at all of any class...

    you're maybe just sympathetic towards a chicken in its form, maybe an animal lover?

    but because u still EAT meat, you're not classed as any sort of vegetarian.


  2. i think the answer about pescatarian was the best one....obviously even though you eat meat, you are not a totaly vegetarian...but yeah that girl is right, if you eat fish n chicken you are technically pescatarian...everyone else who is like no you eat dead animals blahblah is just saying that because they themselves are vegetarians and feel strongly about people eating dead animals....those people are not answering your question right....they are half assed answering your question!  although you should try to stop eating chickn all together....if it bugs you as like whole body parts, just picture the frozen cutlets growing legs and walking away!   i always picture it like have froze dead bodies in your freezer  just like a body bag...just like when someone dies and they put them in a morgue...ew....and it is rotting away just sitting in my  so i myself have stopped eating less meat...i'm still transitioning, but it is getting easier

  3. If you don't eat any other animals besides chicken and fish then you are known as a Pescetarian. Which is similar to a vegetarian diet, but they still eat fish and chicken. If you eat all types of meat - then you're not really a vegetarian :( ..sorry

  4. I totally get what you are saying b/c I am the same way.  I will not eat any meat that has bone. yuck!  But I'm ok with a steak or hamburger or plain chicken breast.  I am also just weird about meat and don't eat certain things.  We are definitely not vegetarians....just picky.  And I'm sure you're an animal lover like me too! :o)

  5. Vegetarians don't eat chicken or fish as they are animals.  No type of vegetarian ever eats a dead animal.

  6. You're not a vegetarian.  You eat dead animals.

  7. you are not a vegetarian if you eat any meat.

    dairy products are made from animal products and eggs come from a source of  meat.

  8. you're not a vegetarian if you eat meat. and you're definitely not a vegan since you eat dairy products.

  9. You're no kind of vegetarian. You eat chicken and fish and dairy and eggs.

    Do you even know what a vegetarian IS??

  10. you are not even a pescetarian if you eat chicken. You need to open your eyes to reality instead of trying to hide it. You dont really do anything for the animals, only for your own selfish needs. "does anyone else think like me" as in, it is okay to eat it if you cant see it in animal form? NO

    even meat eaters dont try to sugar coat it

  11. That's what I did in the begining before I became a vegetarian.   I wouldn't eat the legs or anything like that...only boneless, skinless and only grilled or baked so it was healthy...healthier that is. lol.    

    You aren't a vegetarian yet because you eat meat....sorry.    

    I would say you are well on your way to becoming one though.   That's how I started out.   Many vegetarians and vegan start out the same way...transitioning.   Very few just say..that's it....and never eat meat again.   That's a tall order to quit all together.  ya know.   I would say keep going your on your way.

    I've been vegetarian (transitioning into veganism now yay) for over seven consecutive years now.  

    Vegetarians don't eat any meat.....    You are in the beggining stages though.  Good luck on your veggie journey!

  12. If you still eat meat, you are not any kind of vegetarian! Vegetarians DO NOT eat meat!

  13. The meaning of the word 'vegetarian' is this:

    noun - a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc.  

    So, even if you change the shape of it by cutting it up - it is still meat.

  14. Well, sounds like you're not really a vegetarian. You're just squeamish about eating food that looks like an animal. I eat meat, and I can cook chicken parts, but I CANNOT cook a whole chicken. It looks too much like a bird and it freaks me out. I mean, once it's cooked it's fine, but I can't handle the raw bird.

  15. I do not think that way.  I think that it's cruel to eat chicken no matter what it looks like.  Just because you feel bad doesn't make you a better person.  It makes no difference the chickens if you only eat certain parts of them.

    You are NOT a vegetarian.  You eat chicken and fish.  You are just an omnivore that doesn't eat red meat...unless you do eat red meat.

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