
What kind of victory do you see in Iraq and Afghanistan?

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5 years on and all we have achieved with money and blood in Iraq has been to change it from a Westernized, educated, prosperous but autocratic country, to a terrorist Muslim h**l hole, with Shiite mullahs, allied to Iran, waiting to take over the day we leave.

In Afghanistan to day a French patrol was ambushed, 25 miles out of the capital, where 11 soldiers died and 21 were injured. The rest rescued by helicopters.

Our rule does not extend even 25 miles from the capital. Are we mad staying there? What can we realistically achieve long term? Taliban will take over 1 week after we leave.

Whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.




  1. No victory at all.Nothing accomplished there in 5 yrs. In 4 years we conquered the world in WW2.

    It's just Vietnam with another name.

      Those cannibals have been fighting for thousands of years over there.They'll still be killing each other after we leave. The leaders of the U.S. got some severe mental issues. Why should our boys die for nothing. F them countries.

  2. Who cares yes we should all get out and let them destroy themselves i think, they've done a great job so far.

  3. None it will be a stalemate

  4. There won't be a victory in those countries. Those people hate US and dislike the "democracy and capitalism" that US is preaching to them the only way to win is to leave them alone

  5. what you see franco is what a liberal media wants you to see. yes bad $hit happens a lot but it has forever and will always happen. we need to speed up their training so they can rule their own country and defend against extremists who try and come in.

    the point you're missing is that no matter what, we're helping people.

    all that is needed for evil to succeed is the indifference of good men.

    see, i can throw in little g*y quotes to make myself sound smart too...

  6. The US and its allies won't establish democracy in Iraq, but they are stabilising the situation in such a way as will enable to leave it without the whole thing collapsing.  Afghanistan is different.  It is becoming more like Vietnam day by day.

  7. theres only uneccesary deads going on in Iraq now, but i can see where were still fighting in Afghanistan, we just want Osama

  8. a muslim victory.

  9. ask this question to any republican and they will just shift the subject over to why US is even in Iraq, then, their answer is that iraq was corrupt and they weakly attempt to back up their statement with stupid facts, but get ready for at least another 4 years in iraq because mccain is going to win presidency because there are too many racist idiots in the world who look to the cover of people, then again, if people wont elect a candidate because of his skin color why would they elect someone who is old enough to be in a nursery home.... i swear i'll never understand the way people think

    obama 08

  10. Nothing has been changed. Nothing will be changed. Both of them were pointless involvements. Our resources could have been used wisely and secretly to better advantage.

  11. a stalemate as long as the tribes cannot5 get along no matter what the un does

  12. We have successfully transferred hundreds of billions of dollars to KBR, Halliburton and Blackwater.

    the point of the Iraq war was to have a war.

  13. 1000 meter running in the next Olympic? You can't fight them on their homeland. Much like you could not take down communism in Vietnam. But I still admire the soldiers. Its the leadership that must be jailed.

  14. I don't foresee any victories in those countries.  Those countries do not want democracy.  As soon as  all the troops pull out they will get back to their old ways. Those two particular countries will always be in conflict with someone.

  15. i think the only victory our government wants is to completly crush all opposition and spirit out of iraq by any means nessesary and we'll probably never pull out

  16. Your right, we arn't winning and we wont, Macain is all for the war and says we will have a victory,, huh, he's another bush and cant wait to get into office so he can start another war only this time it will be with russia,if we pull out of Iraq or afganistan they will be full of the talavan, but I dont think that is are problem.

  17. The globalists set it up that, way america wont win is a never ending war.

    Watch Zeitgeist, Endgame...etc/  

  18. I don't think there will be victory.  We need to just come home and let it go, it's not our problem. If people want to flee the country for fear of their safety, than we should help and it needs to end there.  

  19. I see a coming cut and run like we did in Vietnam. The government is not interested in winning. Same as last time. The military is willing and able to win this. The politicians, the mass media, and the people are not. Sad but true. Might as well surrender and bring them all home.

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