
What kind of video games should women not be allowed to play?

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What kind of video games should women not be allowed to play?




  1. YAOI/BoysLove games for sure.

    They actually dare to even think it was made for them when it was made for GUYS.


    Diksha: I'd have to go with Zelda/Sheik. I used to like Samus but she's only good at ranged attacks. Roy is probably my second favorite.

  3. I think women should play whatever game they like.

  4. Lol well done in making yourself look absolutely ridiculous nd uneducated in public! Have a peanut!

  5. You're an idiot.

  6. Women should be allowed to play all video games. They are not sexually exclusive.

  7. NONE! She should be barefoot and pregnant, in the kitchen where she belongs! GRUUUUNT! You go, caveman boy!

  8. Super Smash Bros. sends me into a fit of vapors and I need my smelling salts.  It is too violent for my feminine constitution.

    Seriously though, why is Kirby so awesome at fighting compared to some of the other characters?  He's a ball of pink flub!

  9. nintendo ds (the pink ones of cource)  has lot of women friendly video games.  nintendogs is a good chioce.

  10. Don't take away my GTA!

  11. The kind with enemy combatants who are chauvinistic pigs you waste at close range?

    Oh wait, that's my favorite kind!

  12. what kind of question should idiots not be allowed to ask?

  13. None. Women should be allowed to play whatever they want (DUH).

  14. Yo momma's bigass

  15. is that a joke?

  16. Based on all your other sexist sounding questions, I'm going to guess that your answer is something along the lines of "anything that she can beat me at". What's the deal with all the "should women be able to..." questions? Really...grow up!

  17. Dinner Dash

  18. I sometimes wonder if my younger daughter shouldn't play these games. One of her favorites is "Grand Theft Auto" and she especially likes the latest version. We don't have that game but she plays it at her friend's house. She says it have really good graphics and better violence than the previous game.

  19. The kind that poke you in the eye.

  20. Pong.

    But then again, no one should be allowed to play it.  It's SOOO old school.

    Edit:  Hey man, I remember playing games on the old Vic 20.  Embrace change is all I have to say, lol.

  21. I was a game developer once, and I know that companies use animal psychology to get you excited when playing the games. So you keep coming and coming.

    IMBO: People should not play any video games, as it distracts them from life. Just like television do. But thats my opinion.

    As of allowing

    If its a grown woman, she should be able to play whatever she like. Its her decision.

    If its a child, male or female. Then any game with supervision and only 1 hour a day. Do not let your child to become a video game junkie.

  22. Any game you're allowed to play.

  23. What a silly question. I play whatever I want.

    I've been playing the Resident Evil games lately. They're great.

  24. they should be entitled to play all...i say this because i am a female gamer

    buttt....if it is a game where there are practises with women hitting men etc. out guys!

  25. what exactly is the basis of this question? My feminine mind can't wrap around it and I'm not sure if it's a joke or not.

  26. Grand Theft Auto

  27. remind me..if you ever turn into a zombie to  blow ur effing head off...or shoot you and then burn you up...( ala Resident evil 1)

    thumbs down? BANG! died.

  28. ALLOWED?? We can do want we want

  29. They have the freedom to choose whatever they want to play.  Being "allowed" - oh please!  get over yourself.

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