
What kind of volunteer work would I be able to apply for?

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I'm only fourteen, and I would like to do some volunteer work. I tried the Houston SPCA (I live in Houston,) but you have to be fifteen. Does anybody know anything else I can apply for?




  1. find a local food pantry or clothing ministry- often associated with churches. they always need volunteers and 14 shouldn't be too young for either of those. it's great your getting involved at a young age! hope you find some place!

  2. You could always just volunteer by picking trash up that you see,or maybe look into some after school programs for elementary aged kids once school starts again.

    I've provided a link in the 'source' area that you can maybe find something more what yr looking for.

    Good luck :)

  3. Try a local hospital or a children's center for abused children and women, or also a local school....try those first, if not here's a link that might help....

  4. Try joining an organization for teens that does community service, such as Girl Scouts, etc.  Try your church or religious organization.  Contact day cares or nursing homes or places that have summer programs for children.  Try places like the Salvation Army and volunteer to help with cleaning or meals.

    The United Way might be a good place to start as they would have a list of organizations in the community that would need volunteers.

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