
What kind of water do I use for a goldfish tank?

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I think that I may have offended alot of people earlier with my question about putting cychlids in with my goldfish,and also I think that I may have made alot of people mad about putting a male betta in with my goldfish,but I honestly don't know anything about fish.This is a goldfish that my son won at a school fun fair three years ago and now he has become a beloved family pet. We started out with 5 goldfish and Elix(that's what my son named him) is the only one that survived this long. We were planning on getting a 10 gallon tank but now I believe we will do a 20 gallon instead.But I really got my feelings hurt by some of your responses,we've never had a pet before this,and the man at Wal-Mart Pet Center said that we could put a male betta with a goldfish just not another betta.We also buy bottled water for his tank,because our well water has alot of rust,is this okay?I just want people to know that I am not an uncaring person I just need help to learn how to properly care for my pet




  1. this walmart guy is making profit out of you.   rust is a problem however bottled water is safe for human not for fish.  Just filter the well water and settle it for couple of days and use it.  Just don't forget a good filter for your tank.

  2. bottled water/distilled water is not good...actually just plain old tap water with water conditioner and that has been sitting out for 24 hrs so that all the chlorine evaporates is the best water for goldfish..I am really sorry you haven't received good responses..I am really glad that you are getting your pet a 20 gallon tank..tht would be awesome...since you want to learn..Here is a as much as you can...I myself learn at least 2 new things everyday...

    This will really help..since you plan on getting a new should definitely read about fishless cycle..I bet if you read and search for info on the site I provided you will be much more happy to see your fish grow and stay healthy and really won't have to ask any question here..and good luck with your fish...

    EDIT: The only friend a goldfish can have is another goldfish...but again 2 would need 40 gallon tank..I am assuming the goldfish your son won is a common feeder those really need 55 gallon tanks...cos they grow to be 1 feet long (minimum) am sure he will outgrow your 20 small setups goldfish die of stunted suggestion let him be alone...he enjoys the attention and tht will also help him grow to his full potential..get a tank as big as you can a strong filter rated 10 times higher than your future tank capacity..

  3. Make sure to cycle that 20 gallon before putting your fish in. It needs to build up the beneficial bacteria that will help cut down on the ammonia and help your fish. I would suggest a water conditioner like NovAqua+ just as an extra insurance that the water quality is good. It removes chlorine and chloramines.  I think it's really great that you are trying to find out more about how to care for this goldfish. He could live to be 20 or 30 years old if you take good care of him!

  4. Honestly, its ok that you made a mistake, it happens to everyone. I say, don't listen to any Walmart employee when it comes to fish and their care. Goldfish are a coldwater fish that cannot be put with any tropical fish, and the only real compatible tankmates for goldfish are other goldfish and koi.

    20 gallons will be great for your fish, and I'm sure your goldfish will appericiate it! You can use bottled distilled water for your goldfish, since it will not have all of the extra chemicals or added flavors of other waters.

    You can always contact me if you have any more questions about your goldfish or any other fish! :)


    EDIT TO ADD: The person a few above me is wrong. Male bettas do TERRIBLE if put with other bettas, especially other males. Females can however, be kept in female sorority tanks together, but only under a closely monitored tank.

    Also, obviously some others haven't been paying attention to the fact that you have well water and it has rust in it, which is dangerous for fish. Don't listen to them, distilled/bottled water is fine, and natural, though having it sit out for 24hours with the top off of the container, or put into another container for it to evaporate any extra chemicals it may have had added to it. In a situation without the rust, I would suggest tap with 24 hours of sitting out, but in your case, bottled is better.

  5. my beta ate my goldfish but i put my goldfish in a clean freashwater tank.

  6. Tap water. Room tempertaure. And if your getting your goldfish from like walmart or somthing then if hes in a plastic bag set him in the water still in hes plastic bag so its not over whelming cause if you put him in the water without letting him get use to it, it could kill him.

    Hope that helped :D

  7. I heard that its the female beta that you have to worry about, they are the aggressive ones and will kill another fish or beta. The male ones, not so much. What the dude at the pet store said is right. As for putting two beta together Im not sure, but I dont think your supposed to do thjat EVER, regardless of age and gender.

    as for what type of water to use, any kind is fine, make sure the temperature is cool, but not cold and not quite luke warm.

    My parents have a beta and they use thier sink water which is pretty hard in iron and is well water, and the fish was fine.

    Ive also seen people use bottled water or water in a jug which is fine also, probably best though just to be safe.

  8. a clean water

  9. it depends if the well water has chlorine in it or not.  If it does, places like wal part sell water conditioners where you would add it to tap water to remove it.  you can also leave the water in a bucket overnight and that'll evaporate the chlorine as well.

  10. Tap water cold tap water not freezing but cold because they are cold water/fresh water fish as for the betta with the goldfish that's fine too some people say that bettas are tropical fish and need to be in water temperture of 78 degrees but no they are tropical fish but they can stand to be in cold water also they bettas are most compatible with any fish besides other bettas the males are the most aggresive because they are also known as japanese fighting fish the males fight eachother to the death but they are fine to be put in a tank with goldfish the tank should just be about 10 gallon a little spacious for them both don't listen to all the ignorant things people on here say

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